
Endoscopic polypectomy: features of the procedure

Surgical intervention based on the removal of unnatural formations from the colon, namely polyps, is called polypectomy of the large intestine. At the initial stage of the formation of polyps - small areas of tissue that form as a tumor. By the oncology the formation of polyps does not apply, and therefore they are recommended to be removed immediately, as soon as they were found, without the appointment of special medication in the absence of special indications. And although the formation of polyps is considered harmless, the danger lies in the fact that if polyps are not removed and left without any attention, then they can flow into a cancerous tumor.

What is endoscopic polypectomy?


Polypectomy is performed for treatment and diagnosis. Diagnosis is possible when the education is single, if there is a technical capability. For carrying out histology in polyposis, several polyps of the largest size, having an altered shape, are removed. The treatment shows any small polyps in the case when surgical intervention does not entail complications. When the formation of the internal organs, the method of endoscopy is used. And in the case of solitary formations or several, located next to each other, the indication is an operation.

What contraindications does endoscopic polypectomy have?


Patients who are in serious condition or who suffer from poor blood coagulability do not undergo a planned removal. To prevent contraindications, conduct blood tests. The operation will not be conducted if the specialist decides that it will entail complications.

Species and features of the disease

Constant division and renewal of the cells of the intestinal mucosa is a normal state, however, if there are any failures that violate these functions, the intestinal cells instead of being updated are formed into polyps.

For a long time a person can live with them and not suspect their presence in the body.

Endoscopic polypectomy of the colon in this case can help.

Experts share several groups of polyps:

  • Local teenage, appearing at a young age, usually up to 6 years. These polyps rarely go into cancers, but this does not negate a small percentage of their risk, and therefore they should also be removed.
  • Hamartomatous, appearing in the rectum in an unusual combination of cells and is the result of abnormal tissue development.
  • Vorsic, growing in the form of a carpet on the walls of the intestine. Often inclined to develop into a cancerous formation.
  • Hyperplastic, developing to small sizes and being harmless. They are among the most common form of formation.
  • Adenomatous, referring to the most dangerous, because they turn into cancer tumors quite often.

Causes of the disease

Before the removal of the polyp the doctor examines the possible causes of the occurrence, determines the type of polyps, to avoid complications (some polyps should not be touched at all). The factors that provoke the appearance of formations are difficult to determine accurately. The reasons for the appearance may be:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Entry into the diet of a large amount of animal fat;
  • Abnormal development and congenital predisposition;
  • Insufficient intake of raw vegetables, seafood and lactic acids;
  • Chronic diseases of the intestine, inflammation;
  • Food intake with a lot of carcinogens;
  • Disorders of the intestinal system, constipation;
  • bad habits;
  • Extra pounds, low mobility, lack of physical activity.

When and why are they eliminated?

The main reason for the removal is to prevent the development of a cancerous tumor. Including removal is indicated with pain, discomfort in the intestine, bleeding, impaired patency. However, before the operation, the specialist still conducts a thorough diagnosis in connection with the presence of factors that prohibit surgical intervention due to side effects or possible consequences. Risk factors:

  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Damage to the walls of the rectum;
  • diabetes;
  • infection;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Allergy to medicines;
  • Features polyp (location, size, type).

At the moment, there are sparing methods of surgical intervention, and therefore, with the shown rapid removal of polyps, the doctor can choose the best options, for example, endoscopic polypectomy will be prescribed.

Detection Features

Before removing polyps, you must first determine the species, shape and location. The polyp may have the shape of a fungus, that is, have a structure located on an elongated leg, have a wide base, the texture of which is flatter, and a rounded shape. In addition, polyps can be villous and smooth.

A person can detect the presence of polyps in the body when performing a diagnosis or examination for other diseases. Often, the detection of polyps is random, because when forming and developing in the intestine, it is rarely possible to detect signs of their presence. The main methods for detecting polyps include endoscopy, biopsy and colonoscopy.

When performing routine diagnosis by means of a colonoscopy and finding polypic formations, the doctor chooses the most beneficial options for action. During the endoscopic examination it is possible to detect polyps of small size and remove formations, the size of which does not exceed 7 mm. This method of removing polyps can not be used more than 2 times a year.

Endoscopic polypectomy of the gallbladder is often performed.

When it is necessary to remove large polyps, surgical intervention is carried out through polypectomy. This operation requires the presence of a special endoscopic technique.

The most correct approach to any polyps can be called removal with a colonoscope of one site and further examination under a microscope, as well as a biopsy. At the end of this stage and receiving the results of the survey, an operation is planned. Each result of the study will play an important role in the choice of surgery, since if polyps have a cancerous nature, the patient will have to undergo chemotherapy.

And after the polyps are removed, several years in a row every year you will need to undergo colonoscopy, because the polyps can form again.

The nuances of surgical intervention

The operation by which rectal formations are eliminated is called endoscopic polypectomy. This type of surgical procedure refers to the most painless procedures, since it does not require incisions or punctures. When plucking or removing polyps, a person does not feel pain, because there are no nerve endings in the intestinal mucosa. Usually this procedure is carried out in a hospital, and only very small polyps up to 5 mm in size can be treated on an outpatient basis.

But often very small polyps do not touch, but wait until they are ripe, as they are not recommended to eliminate because of the likelihood of damaging the tissues and intestinal mucosa.

How is endoscopic polypectomy of the rectum performed?

There are several options for removing polyps through this intervention:

  • In the lower region of the large polyp before it is removed, electrolyte special solution is introduced in special cases to avoid the occurrence of complications.
  • When removing polypic formation in the form of a fungus, the technique of the coagulation loop, thrown on the polit and cutting it, is used. Since this loop passes a low current, it immediately and cauterizes the place of removal.
  • When large polyps with a wide base are removed, a fragmentary method is used that removes by means of a diame- tric loop that grasps and fragmentates the formation.

In fact, all endoscopic polypectomy consists in inserting into the anus a special device with a long tube and chamber, through which an internal examination of the walls of the rectum and removal of formations is performed. Carrying out this procedure involves one of these manipulations. However, the method for removing polyps is selected after a complete diagnosis, and not during a primary study.

Recurrence of polyps

After the removal of polyps relapse develops in 13% of patients in the first 2 years. In other departments of the colon, the risk of their new appearance is 7%.

Outpatient endoscopic polypectomy is often performed.


The main methods of preventing the appearance of polyps include: lifestyle changes, diets and regular research. You can advise for the prevention of the following.

It is necessary to consume more calcium-rich foods, since calcium has a preventive effect even in the case of an already transferred disease.

It is necessary to eat more cereals, vegetables and fruits in connection with the content in these products of a large number of antioxidants and vegetable fiber. These products reduce the risks of formation.

Limit fats of animal origin. People who consume large amounts of fat along with food are at great risk of getting cancer of the rectum and polyps, in contrast to people who consume much less fat. You can recommend vegetable oils.

Limit alcohol consumption, since its abuse greatly increases the risk of developing not only cancer of the rectum and polyps, but also other diseases.

It is necessary to quit smoking, since this habit greatly increases the likelihood of developing colon cancer. It is also worth to remove excess weight and increase physical activity.

Polypectomy of other organs

How is endoscopic polypectomy of the gallbladder carried out?

Polyps often occur in the gallbladder. One small is not dangerous. You can not pay attention to it. But if there are several of them and their size is more than 10 mm, then endoscopic polypectomy is performed. The organ is preserved, only the growths are subject to removal. With the huge size of the polyps, the entire organ is removed, since cancer is possible.

What is endoscopic polypectomy of the nose?

Polyps may also appear in the nose. The method of endoscopic polyectomy removes the growths quickly and painlessly. In any department of nasal conchae and paranasal sinuses, formations are removed. Be sure to apply the shaver and simultaneously active suction.

There is also an endoscopic polypectomy of the stomach.

Sometimes the cells grow in the stomach. Endoscopic surgery will also help here. But everything will depend on the size of education. If they are large, then they carry out a series of interventions. At this time the patient is in a drug dream.

To endoscopic polypectomy are resorted quite often. This is a very effective method of getting rid of polyps in various organs.

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