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Communication: concept, definition, types, classifications and basic principles

People are not only biological beings, but also social individuals. Man is not satisfied only with natural, natural needs. In addition to desires in food, water, sleep, the continuation of its kind, everyone needs to realize themselves in society. Find yourself, your self, throw out your energy and skills into something useful to people, become useful, and in return receive recognition and a sense of your own satisfaction. This is really important for all mankind. In order to be in society, be among people and express their feelings, thoughts, ideas, a person needs communication. Communications are found everywhere, no matter where this or that person is located, in whatever field of occupation one finds oneself, it is always necessary to meet people, instruct them or, conversely, adopt their ideas.

What is communication?

Now in Russian, a lot of new, borrowed words. So the term "communication" came to us from the Latin word communico, which in Russian means "common," "joint." In this regard, it is often said that the word "communication" is synonymous with communication.

This is a situation where two or more people are talking on topics that are familiar to both sides. They can advise, argue, express their opinion, but the interlocutor always takes this information and presents an inverse response in the form of communication. The concept, types of this term are necessary for understanding and correct communication.

Classification structure

Communication is a complex concept, but it has its own structure. Communications can be divided into 2 large groups: organizational and interpersonal. The latter consists of formal and informal. From the names of subgroups it becomes clear that there are communications that are conducted according to the rules, with the necessary intonation, with a certain officiality inherent in one or another event. And there are informal, that is how we communicate with our family, friends, not observing special rules and regulations, but we behave naturally and naturally.

Organizational communications can be divided into external ones that occur between the organization itself and its external environment, as well as internal ones that occur within the company between different divisions and branches of power. This group, in turn, is divided into horizontal integration, that is, communication between units of the same level, and vertical, between superiors and subordinates. So, communication is a concept requiring its own specific approach and understanding.

The main terms of the sphere of communications

Basic concepts of communications:

  1. The culture of speech is the correct, correct use of language elements for communication. Every self-respecting person knows and understands how he can and should behave in this or that situation, and what behavior is simply unacceptable.
  2. Speech communication is the accidental or purposeful use of speech structures for expressing one's opinion and maintaining a conversation.
  3. Speech behavior - the use of certain turns in different situations (at work, in the company of friends, in the family, in school, etc.)
  4. A speech event consists of two elements: the concrete life situation, the situation in which the conversation takes place, and directly the language itself, where negotiations are being conducted.
  5. Speech activity is a kind of isolated, purposeful influence on people with the help of language.

Thus, communication is a concept that includes a whole set of language structures involved in the exchange of information.

The concept of communication

Communication is a multifaceted, complex process of developing and establishing contacts between people. It is generated by the need for joint, joint activities, and also includes the exchange of information, which is worked out by a common strategy of interaction or understanding.

Types of communication

There are 2 types of communication:

  1. Verbal. This is communication, in which contact between people occurs through words, sentences. This is the kind to which we resort every day in oral or written form, but somehow we add sounds to words, and from them we create whole statements reflecting the thoughts and ideas of each of us.
  2. Nonverbal. The means of expressing one's emotions in this type of communication are a kind of non-verbal actions, such as gestures, facial expressions, the person's pose, views, intonations, territorial location and distance in relation to the interlocutor, and so on. The concept and types of non-verbal means of communication is quite an interesting topic to study. Since such methods of communication help to feel the interlocutor and make a big step towards him.

Methods of influence of partners in the process of communication

In the process of communication, an involuntary domination of one of the interlocutors always occurs. He can convince his comrade in some way or, on the contrary, dissuade, give advice or condemn for any misconduct. Thus, in science, there are four ways and methods of influence of partners on each other:

  1. Infection is a situation when an unconscious, unconscious susceptibility of a person to a particular mental state occurs. That is, when the partner literally infects you with his idea, except for it, you stop to see anything.
  2. Suggestion is an unjustified, purposeful influence of a person on his interlocutor. Often such a method we meet in stores, when sellers literally stick in our goods, painting its merits. Although the advantages of the product may not always be justified.
  3. Persuasion - this method of influence is based on the fact that by bringing reasoned arguments to obtain consent from the person who receives the information. That is, not empty words, but well-founded statements that facilitate the adoption of the information you need.
  4. Imitation - unlike suggestion and infection, this method consists in the fact that it is not simply accepting the external features of another person, but a specific reproduction of the image of the behavior shown. That is, the interlocutor tries to become in the same position, just talk, just act like his partner. Often, such behavior contributes to the emancipation and persuasion of a person.

The purpose of the communication process

It should be understood what the whole cycle is, when the concept of communication is considered. The communication process is the exchange of information. It can occur between a group of people or personally with a partner.

If we talk about the concept of the communication process, the goal of this process is to convey the necessary information so that the interlocutor understands what is being said. However, the use of certain speech turns is not a guarantee that the partner understood and accepted the information.

Basic elements of the communication process

To achieve mutual understanding between the interlocutors it is necessary to follow the following links of the whole process.

There are four links:

  1. The recipient is the person who listens and directly perceives all the information.
  2. The flow of communication is the way in which this or that information is transmitted.
  3. The message is the information that a person wants to convey to his interlocutor.
  4. The sender is the person who directly sends and delivers the necessary information to the partner.

Thus, the concept of communication and the communicative process suggests that they are complementary elements of one structure.

The main differences between communication and communication

The concept of communication and communication suggests that they are quite similar, and most of us do not distinguish them in conversation. However, these words are not synonymous, they have a number of differences:

  1. In communication, in contrast to communications, in addition to obtaining information and conducting its analysis, the emotional background and the very content of the data are also important.
  2. The main, the main function of communication is to establish contacts between partners, and in the case of communications, the main thing is to establish and choose ways of communication, that is, to choose verbal or non-verbal means of expressing an opinion.
  3. Communication is a more general concept that includes in its structure the term "communications".


In conclusion, it should be mentioned that communication is a multifaceted concept that requires careful consideration and study to convey the necessary information. Knowing all the subtleties of this case, you can provide the interlocutor with the information you need. Applying different speech speed, non - verbal means of communication and taking into account the content of the data and the emotional background of the interlocutor, you can create an ideal environment for the communicative process. It is necessary to remember the rules and observe the censorship of communication during business negotiations, and with a personal, informal meeting, you can relax and be yourself. Remembering and using such elementary rules will become a guarantee of perfect friendly communication and reliable successful conclusion of contracts.

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