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Speech genre: definition, types. Oratory

In ancient Greece, the ability to speak eloquently was considered art. However, the classification was mainly carried out only between crookedness, poetry and acting. Rhetoric was primarily interpreted as the science of word and poetry, prose and eloquence. The speaker is both a poet and a master of the word. In antiquity, rhetoric was taught. Speakers most of all resorted to exclusively poetic techniques, aiming at strengthening the expressiveness of their speech. Today the speech genre Define the Depending on the communication sphere, corresponding to its own function: communication, communication and impact.

The view of different thinkers on rhetoric

In the views of many ancient thinkers, there is a similar rhetorical mastery to the art of painting and sculpture, as well as to architectural science. But such statements look often unconvincing. Most often, oratory was considered as the sister of the art of the stage and poetry. Aristotle in Rhetoric and Poetics, compares eloquence and poetry, finding something in common between them. And Cicero in public performances used acting techniques. Later, the speech genre as oratory skill formed connections between poetry, eloquence and acting. The same MV Lomonosov in his work on rhetoric ("A Brief Guide to the Benefit of Red Guys") speaks of the paramount importance of the artistic components of a public performance. By his definition, eloquence means sweetness, that is, "Speak red." The splendor and power of the word, vividly representing the described, are capable of exciting and satisfying human passions. This is, according to the scientist, the main goal of the speaker. Similar thoughts were expressed in the book by Merzlyakov AF "About the true qualities of the poet and orator" (1824).

The connection between rhetoric and poetry

Merzlyakov regards the poet and the speaker as people engaged in the same creative work. This indicates that he did not draw a sharp line between the poet and the rhetorician. Belinsky VG also wrote about the definite connection between poetry and redshine, which the speech genre has. He argued that poetry is an element of eloquence (not a goal, but a means). Russian judicial speaker Koni AF wrote about the skill of public appearances as a true creativity, including artistry and elements of poetry, expressed in oral form. A speaker is a person who must necessarily have a creative imagination. According to Koni, the difference between a poet and a speaker is that they come to the same reality, starting from different points of view.

What is a speech genre? Definition of speech

The general concept of speech is interpreted by linguistic dictionaries and directories as the speaker's activity using a language aimed at interacting with other participants of a given language group with the use of different means of speech whose purpose is to convey complex content that includes information directed at the listener and encouraging him to act or Answer. The speech proceeds in time and is clothed in sound (including internal) or written form. The result of such activities is fixed by memory or writing. In modern practice, oratorical art goes beyond poetic eloquence, as it was in antiquity. The genre of speech is determined by purpose and means. For each type of speech, their genres are marked, which over time have been classified according to directions and styles. This is a cultural form of speech, a stable type of utterance that has a thematic, stylistic and compositional character.

Types of oratory (speech) genre

In modern science, the speech genre is classified as follows: socio-political, academic, judicial, social, church-theological (spiritual). Type of speech genre is characterized by a specific object of speech, which has specific features in the system of its analysis and a similar assessment.

The classification has a situational and thematic character. It takes into account the situation of the speech, the topic and its purpose. Socio-political concerns include: speaking out on social, political, economic, cultural, ethical-moral, scientific and technical topics, reporting reports, diplomatic, military-patriotic, rallying, agitators, parliamentary. A special place belongs to spiritual rhetoric in the theological and theological life. This is important for the presentation and popularization of religious topics.

Theological and official styles

The church-theological style of oratorical skill includes types of speech genres, including Sermons, salutatory words, obituaries, talks, teachings, messages, lectures in theological educational institutions, appearances in the mass media (persons of spiritual rank). This genre is special: believers usually act as listeners. The themes of the speeches are taken from the Holy Scripture, the writings of the Church Fathers and other sources. They perform in a genre that carries features of official, business and scientific styles. The basis is the system, which implies the availability of official documents. Such speeches are aimed at analyzing the situation in the country, world events, the purpose of which is to highlight specific information. They contain political, economic and other similar facts, an assessment of events, recommendations, reports on the work done. As a rule, they are devoted to actual problems or they contain appeals, explanations of programs of a theoretical nature.

Selecting and using language tools

In this case, first and foremost, the topic and target setting of the speech are important. Some political speeches are characterized by style features that characterize the official style, which implies impersonality or its weak manifestation, book coloring, political vocabulary, special terms (for example, economic). These features characterize the features of the speech genre And determine the use of means (visual, emotional) to achieve the desired effect. For example, at a rally, the report is conscripted, but it is done using colloquial vocabulary and syntax. A striking example is the speech of Stolypin PA "On the right of peasants to leave the community" (pronounced in the State Council on 15.03.1910)

Academic and judicial eloquence

Academic oratorical art is characterized by speech, which helps to form a scientific type of worldview, which is distinguished by deep reasoning, logic, and culture. This includes lectures in universities, scientific reports and reviews (reports). Of course, the language style Academic eloquence is close to scientific, but it often uses expressive and visual means. For example, Academician Nechkin writes about Klyuchevsky as a master who speaks Russian fluently. Klyuchevsky's dictionary is so rich that it can reveal many words of artistic speech, folk phrases, proverbs, sayings with the use of living expressions characteristic of old documents. Academic eloquence in the Russian land was formed at the beginning of the XIX century. And was aimed at awakening the socio-political consciousness. University lecterns became the tribunes for the advanced oratorical speeches. This is due to the fact that in the 40-60's. They came to work young scientists who were inherent in progressive European ideas. Granovsky, Soloviev, Sechenov, Mendeleev, Stoletov, Timiryazev, Vernadsky, Fersman, Vavilov - lecturers, who fascinated the audience with their speech.

Judicial art of speakers is intended to have a purposeful and effective impact on the audience. Allocate: prosecutorial (prosecutorial) and advocacy (defensive) speech.

Variety of forms

The variety of characters and forms of use of language is due to the presence of many forms of human activity. Types of statements are written and oral. They reflect the conditions and tasks of a particular field of activity, thanks to content, style, means (vocabulary, phraseology, grammar), composition. The sphere of use develops its genres and types. They include a daily dialogue, a story, a letter, an order, business documents.

Diversity creates the difficulty of determining the general nature of utterances.

Speech genres are divided into secondary and primary (complex and simple). Complicated - this is written (mostly artistic works, scientific articles, etc.). Simple - communication through speech. If you focus only on the primary, then there will be a situation of "vulgarization" of the problem. Only the study of two types in unity has a linguistic and philological significance.

The problem of genres by Bakhtin

The ratio of the generally accepted (national) and individual styles is the problematic question of the utterance. In order to study the style well, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the study of the genre (speech). The fact that speech can exist in reality only in the form of concrete utterances of individual speaking people (subjects), Bakhtin said. Speech genres are the basis of his concept of views on speech as a real unit of communication. According to Bakhtin, speech is molded into the form of a statement and without it can not exist. The replacement of speech subjects is the first feature of the utterance. The second is the completeness (integrity) that has a connection with:

  • Subject-semantic exhaustion;
  • Verbal design (will of the speaker);
  • Forms of completion, typical for the composition and genre of completion.

The genre of the planned statement affects the choice of vocabulary. M.M. Bakhtin attaches great importance to genre forms. Thanks to the recognition of the genre, we have from the very beginning of communication a sense of the speech whole. Without this, communication would be difficult and almost impossible.

Oral genre

Oral is the speech that a person hears. At the same time, he selects only those "sound patterns" that are close to him, they are understandable. All the rest is skipped, as they say, "by the ears". This is a necessity, because in the entire flow of speech, words flowing one after another give birth to images on the principle of metonymy, contiguity, logic. The following oral speech genres are used in communication:

  • Conversation - exchange of opinions or other information;
  • Compliments - the interlocutor's praise, the purpose of which is to please him;
  • The story is a monologue of one of the interlocutors whose purpose is the narrative of a case, event, etc .;
  • Conversation - speech directed to the interlocutor, having the purpose to convey information, clarification or to find out the relationship;
  • Dispute - a dialogue aimed at clarifying the truth.

Speech orally, like written, has its own rules and regulations. Sometimes, some flaws in oral speech, such as unfinished statements, weak structure, interruptions, reprises and similar elements, are a necessary condition for a successful and effective result.

Dialogue in the genres of speech

Dialogue is accompanied by mandatory use of "paralinguistic" means necessary for oral speech genre. An in-house dialogue is the sphere of "mixed" speech, which realizes the function of communication in indissoluble connection with non-linguistic means. A characteristic feature of communication with the help of speech is the dialogic principle. This means that the communicative roles are in an alternating state (there is a change of roles). Formally, it looks like this: one says - the second listens. But this is an ideal scheme, which is practically not realized in its pure form. The listener often remains passive or fills pauses with facial expressions, gestures (paralinguistic means of communication). Features that characterize the household dialogue:

  • Unplanned;
  • Wide variety of issues in the discussion;
  • Quick change of topics;
  • Conversational style ;
  • Lack of targets;
  • Emotionality and expressiveness.

Learn oratory. This is very important in our life!

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