
Three-glass sample of urine. What kind of analysis is it and how do I pass it?

A three-glass urine sample is necessary in order to determine in which part of the genitourinary system the inflammatory focus is located. Urine for this study should be collected in a special way. Next, a microscopic study of the collected material is carried out.

In what cases is the patient assigned this kind of research?

In the process of diagnosis, patients first give a general analysis. If in the samples there is an elevated level of leukocytes, then the person is prescribed an analysis for Nechiporenko.

Sometimes a laboratory test confirms that in urine samples the level of leukocytes is higher than normal. Such results indicate that in the human body there is an inflammatory process that covers the tissues of the genitourinary system.

To determine the exact location of the process, a three-glass urine sample is submitted. And how exactly it is necessary to collect it? Now tell.

We collect urine correctly

What should I do if I have a three-cup urine sample? How to collect the material?

  1. First of all, the patient must refrain from urinating before surrendering the material for three hours.
  2. Immediately before the fence should be washed. This procedure is carried out without using soap, only by means of warm water.
  3. The urine is collected in 3 containers, and the containers are filled in different volumes. The first container gets 1/5 of the urine (the first portion). The second container should be filled with 3/5. In the last container remains one-fifth.
  4. If this urine test is appointed by the doctor to confirm the diagnosis of prostatitis, the patient before the collection of material for the third container requires prostate massage.
  5. The obtained material should be brought to the laboratory in the shortest possible time for the study.


How is the analysis of such an analysis? What does the doctor pay attention to?

  1. If there is an increase in the level of leukocytes in the first portion of the delivered material, and in the other two there is no, this indicates a pathology in the urethra.
  2. In the case when this indicator is increased in the third container, and in the first two it is normal, it can be concluded that the patient has prostatitis.
  3. When leukocytes are present in large quantities in all three containers, this is a sign that the patient develops inflammatory diseases of the kidney or bladder.
  4. There are cases when the level of leukocytes is higher than the norm in the first and third containers, and in the second one their level is normal. This means that the patient has swollen prostate and urethra.

How is the research going?

What is the microscopic examination? The urine is first subjected to centrifugation. Further, the resulting precipitate is examined by means of a microscope. Urinary sediment is considered a tenfold or forty-fold increase. What does it mean? A tenfold increase is considered small, and a forty-fold increase. In the samples, the specialist can see such structures as:

  1. Erythrocytes.
  2. Leukocytes.
  3. Epithelial cells.
  4. Bacteria.
  5. Protein.
  6. Salt.

Which container should I use?

Now in any pharmacy you can buy a container for collecting urine. This container is made of special material. It is absolutely neutral with respect to any substances, does not enter into a chemical reaction with laboratory samples.

There are two types of material from which containers are produced:

  1. Polypropylene is an ultrapure property.
  2. Polystyrene for medical use.

The container for collecting urine is equipped with a special twist cap. It provides protection of the collected material from the external environment. Also, the lid allows you to easily deliver the analysis to the laboratory for research. Containers can have different volumes. Depending on the type of study, you should select the desired size.

Recommendations for the analysis

One day before collecting the material for the study is not recommended to eat:

  1. Fruits, namely citrus and watermelon.
  2. Vegetables such as beets and carrots.
  3. Vitamins, if they can affect the color change of urine.
  4. Drugs are diuretic.
  5. Red wine.
  6. Beer.

Women should refrain from taking urine tests if they have menstruation.

If a person takes any medications, you should definitely tell the doctor about it. It should be understood that taking medications is reflected in the results of the analysis. Immediately before collecting the material, namely for a couple of hours, you can not drink coffee and smoke.

Containers that will be used for urine should be numbered. It is necessary to not confuse them with each other.

Also, before giving the test, the patient should avoid stress. When overexcited or nervous shock in humans, the hormonal background changes dramatically and the protein often rises in the urine.


Now you know what a three-glass urine sample is. As you can see, this study is a unique way to identify in which area of the urinary system an inflammatory process develops. In this article, we gave recommendations that will help you pass the analysis correctly.

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