Food and drinkRecipes

Trout on the grill. How to cook trout recipes

Trout on the grill cook easily and simply. This dish is perfect for those who do not eat meat, or who have long bored the usual shish kebab.

It should be noted that the preparation of trout on coal does not take much time. But before placing the fish on a grate or planting it on a skewer, it should be properly processed. How to do it, we will tell in the materials of this article.

Step by step cooking trout on fire (in the whole form)

If you decide to cook whole fish, then you will need a special grill for this. By the way, trout will be much more delicious, if it is pre-filled with herbs and onions. But first things first.

So, before frying the trout on the coals, it is necessary to prepare:

  • Olive oil refined - about 3 large spoons;
  • Trout fresh small size - about 4-5 pcs .;
  • Bulb of medium size - about 2 pcs .;
  • Lemon fresh medium size - about 2 pcs .;
  • Parsley greens - a small bunch;
  • Pepper ground black and salt - add to taste.

Preparing the fish

Trout on coals to fry is not very long. But before that it should be properly processed. From the fish remove all the scales, and then cut the fins, head and tail. After cleaning the trouser trout, it is savored with salt, olive oil and pepper, and then spread into a container and sprinkled with lemon juice (from the first fruit). In this form, the product is left under the lid for 30 or 60 minutes.

Preparation of the remaining ingredients

While the trout is marinated, the rest of the ingredients are being processed. Onions are cleaned and shredded with thick rings, cut lemon circles, and greens rinse and clean coarse branches.

Process of stuffing and heat treatment

Trout on the grill is not very long. But before it is placed there, the fish should be properly stuffed. To do this, strongly open her belly, and then alternately lay onions rings, circles of lemon and twigs of parsley. After that the stuffed fish is placed on a grid and strongly pressed. In this form, the grill is placed on the brazier, over hot coals.

It is desirable to cook trout for at least 25 minutes. In this case, it should be periodically turned over, so that the fish is evenly baked from all sides.

Present to the dining table

As you can see, the whole trout on the grill is prepared easily and simply. After the fish has become soft, the grill is gently opened, and its contents are transferred to a large flat dish decorated with leaves of green or purple salad. In this form, trout is presented to the dining table with boiled potatoes or some other side dish. By the way, some housewives prefer to eat fish baked on charcoal together with greens and fresh vegetables.

Grilling trout steaks on the grill

Cooking fish on the grill can be in many ways. How to fry it in its entirety, we described above. However, some cooks prefer to cook trout in the form of steaks. According to them, this form of the product is more quickly subjected to heat treatment, and it also turns out juicier and tastier. In addition, it is more convenient to distribute steaks on plates.

So, to prepare an amazingly delicious and tender trout on the grill, you need to prepare the following components:

  • Olive oil refined - about 3 large spoons;
  • Trout fresh small size - about 3 pcs .;
  • Cumin - approximately a dessert spoon;
  • Lemon fresh medium size - 1 piece;
  • Parsley greens - a small bunch;
  • Pepper ground black and salt - add to taste.

Processing of the main product

Processing fish to prepare the dish in question will take a little longer than in the previous recipe. Trout is cleaned from scales, well washed, and then gutted, cut off the head, fins and tail. Then the product is cut into steaks not more than two centimeters thick.

Pickling process

After the fish is processed, it is placed in a large enameled container, and then spread to it finely chopped parsley greens, caraway seeds, pepper, olive refined oil and black pepper. All ingredients are gently stirred with hands, sprinkle with lemon juice (from the first fruit), cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for 1-1,5 hours. During this time, trout steaks should be well marinated, having absorbed all the flavors of the laid ingredients.

The process of frying on charcoal

How to cook trout on a grill? To do this, you can use a grate for barbecue, and ordinary skewers. True, in the latter case, the ends of the fish can hang and burn. Therefore, we recommend roasting trout steaks on a special grid. It is installed on the brazier with coals, and then alternately lay out all the pickled pieces.

After the juice starts to flow from the fish, it needs to be turned over to the other side using culinary forceps. This procedure should be carried out with extreme caution, because the thermally processed trout becomes very soft, and it can easily fall apart.

Observing all the requirements of the recipe, you should get a very soft and juicy fish, well-fried from both sides.

We serve steaks for the dinner table

After the trout steaks are cooked on the coals, they are carefully removed from the grate using the same cooking tongs. Having distributed products on plates, they are supplemented with mashed potatoes, boiled rice, fried or fresh vegetables. If desired, this dish can be consumed together with greens and lettuce leaves.

Helpful Tips

If you decide to cook a trout not on a grate, but using ordinary skewers, then it should be cut not in the form of steaks, but in long pieces, without dangling ends.

After picking up the product in any way known to you, it should be left aside for several hours. Then the fish is neatly threaded on skewers or special wooden skewers. In this form, the trout is fried on charcoal in the same way as a regular meat shish kebab. However, for complete preparation of fish you will need not 35-40 minutes, but only ¼ hours. It is during this time that the trout will become completely soft and juicy.

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