Food and drinkRecipes

How to fry a steak in a home kitchen

Meat is an ancient preference for human nutrition. A piece of meat on the table has always been an indicator of prosperity, and the variety of meat cooking is amazing. But appetizing steaks remain in the group of leaders of culinary preferences for more than one century. Another Elena Molokhovets in the famous manual for young housewives, published in the 19th century, devoted a whole section to mastery of cooking steaks.

How to fry a steak, so that it really reveals the taste of meat and became the decoration of a festive meal? It turns out cooking steaks - a whole science in cooking. The history of the cooking of the dish is attributed to the Americans, arguing that steaks came to Europe from America, after the elite bulls from Europe were brought to this America.

We will not deal with historical facts, it is more important to understand how to properly grill a steak, and what is included in the concept of correctness. First of all, there are certain requirements for meat. First, we'll find out how to fry a steak, and what to fry it with. Classic rules suggest the use of beef. And not any, but well-fed young bull-calves with tender meat and thin veins of fat in it. And, the beef should be irreproachable freshness, no frost.

Read how to grill a steak before you go for a piece of meat. After all, not every part of the carcass is suitable for a dish. The ideal option is obtained from thin finned meat, for home cooking, a cut or rump is often bought. If you take a part of the carcass between 5 and 12 ribs, then steaks can be cooked directly on the bone.

It remains to be decided how to fry steak at home, without special plates of good restaurants. If certain conditions are met for cooking steaks, meat can be cooked on the usual gas stove. Defined with a pan: it should be with a thick bottom and a good non-stick coating. Modern grilling pans are also great for frying steaks.

The meat is bought, the frying pan is prepared - proceed directly to the cooking of the steak. Pieces of meat cut fairly thick and flatten them with their hands or a flat bottom of the frying pan. After flattening, they should not be thinner than 3 centimeters. Each piece is thoroughly soaked with a paper towel, the surface of the meat should be completely dry. We drice the dried steaks abundantly with olive or other vegetable oil and leave it on the board.

While steaks are impregnated with oil, we prepare a frying pan. It needs to be warmed up on fire. If the temperature is not enough, the meat will drain juice, and the steaks will be hopelessly spoiled. The task of the first minute of meat stay in the pan is to seal the juice inside. This is achieved by quickly forming a crust on the surface of the steak.

On a well-heated frying pan, put a steak, you can put two pieces, if the size of the frying pan allows, but in no case should they touch each other. Literally, for a minute and a half in a very hot heat, we cook the sides of the steak, then reduce the heat to an average and for another minute for 4 each barrel fry. We need to make sure that the meat is not burnt at this time. We cook to the degree of frying, which is like.

The classic steak should be pink and soft on the cut. If you prefer roasted meat, bring it to the ready in a non-flammable oven. Ready steaks to remove from the fire, sprinkle with salt and spices and cover with foil to get the meat inside. You can serve.

It was all about beef, but how to fry a pork steak? All technology is the same, only meat must be roasted. The concept of steak with blood in pork meat is not allowed.

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