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How to draw hair naturally and beautifully.

It's quite difficult to draw a person, especially if it's a portrait. However, nothing compares to the complexity of the depiction of hair in the figure. It seems a pretty simple detail, until you start drawing it. To give the head of hair a natural appearance, it is necessary to try. There is nothing difficult in drawing an incomprehensible koltun on the head, which will not look too natural. But creating elegant, flowing strands is not an easy task.

Where to begin?

Learn from the classic lessons how to draw hair. Start with small strands, gradually picking them up in hairstyles. Do not hesitate to close some part of the face: this way the picture will look more natural. After the classical lessons, it will be much easier for you to understand how to draw hair in Photoshop. The most important thing to remember is that the hair is positioned perpendicular to the surface of the head, but because of the force of gravity they fall on the shoulders. Having mastered this, you will immediately notice how much it will become easier for you to depict hair.

Hair in anime

Having mastered the most common styles of drawing, either early or Late faced with the question of how to draw hair anime characters. If, in the case of graphic editors, the information already known to you is very handy, then, by depicting the manga, it is better to drop the rules that you already know. Start copying, trying on a pencil different variations of haircuts and hairstyles. The quantity will go into quality, and then you will understand how to draw hair correctly.

Hair in Photoshop

With the advent of graphic editors and photo processing programs, the need to display various details with their help has increased. Hair also did not become an exception. Often, all techniques are associated with understanding the structure of the hair and a lot of zeal. Here's an example of how to draw hair using the popular Photoshop program:

  1. Schematically depict the hairstyle, filling the figure with the usual color.
  2. Using the "Finger" tool, we give our hairstyle a more natural look, create pointed tips of the strands, smooth out irregularities. To do this, we draw by brush on the line of natural hair growth.
  3. Now the most important thing is working with the "clarifier" and "dimmer". First, we take the first tool with a diameter of 2-4 and draw strands in the area of "medium tones", then do it with "light." We repeat everything with a "dimmer". Use a photograph of real hair - so you better understand how to draw hair.
  4. The resulting image is not realistic enough. It is necessary to give a hairdo volume. For this we use all the same tools, but with a larger diameter. Areas that are closer to us, we highlight, and the distant ones are darkened (here and knowledge on classical drawing can be useful).

This is one of the simplest techniques, which seems complicated only at first. In fact, with experience, you will easily learn how to draw beautiful hair quickly. It is worth noting that to work in Photoshop you need to pass at least an initial course on the introduction of the volume, otherwise your work will be unnatural.

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