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Popular Protective Dog Breeds

If you own a private house, you will definitely need a dog to guard your home. However, guard breeds of dogs can be of interest to owners of apartments and country houses. It is important from the variety of dogs to choose the only one that will suit only you, will not only be a reliable defender, but also a true friend for you and your family.

It is necessary to understand well that guard breeds of dogs are not toys. These are serious animals capable not only of protecting, but also of improper upbringing, harming the owner himself and those close to him.

Having made a choice in favor of this or that breed, you need to carefully study its history, habits, character of the future pet. You need to know how to behave with a pet, what he likes, and what can cause an attack of seemingly unjustified aggression.

Today we want to present you some of the most common dog breeds in Russia. With photos of these handsome men, you can get acquainted here.

Naturally, the guard breeds of dogs can not be imagined without the beloved German shepherd. This suit is not subject to fashion trends, it will never yield to popularity leadership. Her dignity is undeniable - the dogs are very smart, they are trained from the first days of life. Sheepdog (if such an expression in this case is appropriate) catches every word of its master, knowing perfectly well what they want from it, for which they blame. Strength, speed, magnificent guarding instincts, devotion to his master - all these qualities are inherent in this breed. It will be a wonderful choice for a beginner dog breeder.

The guard breeds of dogs today are inconceivable without a rottweiler. This is a magnificent breed that perfectly does its "dog work" not only in private possessions, but also in public service. It is a hard worker, devotedly devoted to his master. However, one must know that it is more difficult to raise a Rottweiler puppy than a sheep-dog. These are dogs "with character". They always choose one member of the family and designate him as the "leader of the pack." To him they obey unquestioningly, carry out all his orders and at the same time love him immensely. They, without hesitation, will give their lives for him. The rest of the family are friendly, but they will never allow you to do what the "leader" is allowed.

Considering the guard breeds of dogs, about 30% of owners recommend making their choice in favor of the Moscow watchdog. Power and strength impress people in large cities. One glance at this giant is enough, and the attacker will lose all desire to harm you. It is necessary to know that this dog needs a strong upbringing - only in this case it will become a good guard.

Breeds of guard dogs have enough exotic suits in their ranks. Cane Corso is a fairly rare breed in Russia. People start this dog, believing that she loves children, but we can argue that if properly trained, a dog with normal genes of any breed will treat children well. Corsos grow up for a long time, their behavior remains "puppy" for a long time, but they are very smart, they give in to training, but they require strict education.

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