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Ryabka vealehvost: description, features of the content and care
One of the most common and favorite fish aquariums is vealechvost. A beautiful and quiet inhabitant of the water element is a real decoration of the aquarium and in many it is associated with a goldfish from the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin.
A bit of history
Voyalevost fish was bred several hundred years ago; Her homeland is Japan. Only the "elite" (emperors and their entourage) could keep such a delight in their eyes for the Mikado in their gardens. In the 19th century, two pairs of these fish were donated to Daniel Ammen - the Rear Admiral of the US Navy, a passionate aquarist. For several years, the American managed to take out 140 heads of the offspring. Most of the young fell into the hands of notable persons and was placed in cages with goldfish. The result of this neighborhood was a cross-breed that lost its original characteristics. To save a unique species and keep in complete purity the type of this breed was managed by a certain Mulert, in whose hands only 2 pairs of decorative fish fell.
Ryabka vealehvost: description
The most outstanding part in the structure of decorative fish is its tail, associated with a lightweight fabric. Its length sometimes reaches 30 cm, which is 3-6 times larger than the size of the trunk. The tail and fins are transparent; The dorsal is upright, the anal splits.
The fish vealechvost has a short, flattened torso on the sides ovoid or spherical. Eyes are large. Body color varies from bright red to light cream and golden. Quite rare are purely black specimens. Aquarists are very popular spotted vealechvosty.
There are such varieties of voyalevostov as:
- Skirt and ribbon (depending on the shape of the tail);
- Scaly and scaly.
Goldfish voyalechvost: content
The correct content of veiled tails requires a large, spacious aquarium - at a rate of 50 liters of water per fish. So, for two vealechvostov, the 100-liter container with clean, transparent water will be optimal. In a 150-liter tank, 3-4 fish can be planted, while providing powerful filtration and a good aeration of water.
Voyalevost fish, the content of which is not particularly difficult, is slow in movements and adores digging in the ground, therefore it is recommended to place large sand or gravel on the bottom of the tank. Plants are desirable to choose with hard leaves and a strong root system: a egg, vallisneria, sagittaria, elodea.
Veal-tailed goldfish like cool water: the recommended temperature is + 20-21 ° C. Every week, it should be updated to a quarter of the volume.
An important part of care for vealechvostami is their feeding: decorative fish are very voracious and can eat non-stop. Therefore, we should not overeat and feed the feed at a rate of 3% of the veal tails weight.
Feeding should be done twice a day: in the morning and evening hours. The amount of food should be counted for 10-20 minutes of consumption, followed by the removal of leftovers. Once a week, it is recommended to arrange a day off. In the diet should be present dry aquarium food, plants (scalded lettuce leaves and nettles).
Features of breeding
The component of the correct content of valeleths is their breeding. For one female there should be 2 or 3 two-year-old males. Before spawning (March-April) within 2-3 weeks of heterozygous fish should be kept separately, providing them with abundant feeding. Then determine in the aquarium, equipped with a sandy soil, laid at an angle to one side, with a spawning lattice, a bundle of plants with small leaves.
The female's readiness for spawning can be determined by a thick abdomen; Male - by the presence of spawning rash on the gill cover and notches on the pectoral fins. Stimulate spawning can be a gradual increase in water temperature (up to 24-26 o C). The males then become active, begin to chase the female. The latter spawn: about 10 thousand eggs at a time. Most often this occurs early in the morning, with the appearance of the first rays of the sun. At the end of spawning, adult fish should be removed from the aquarium. The duration of the incubation period is from 2 to 4 days; Appearance of fry occurs within 5 days.
Hatched fry is first recommended to feed "live dust" - the smallest microorganisms that can be grown on their own or purchased in specialized stores. Traditional starting feed are rotifers, infusoria-shoes, artemia. Two weeks after the appearance of young fish, you can transfer to a small Cyclops.
Veal-tailed cockerel: features of the structure
Veal-tailed cockerel (fish) is a vivid representative of aquarium inhabitants. Characterized by an almost round body, long and pointed at the end fins: caudal, anal and dorsal.
Vailekhvostye cockerels have a different type of color:
- Monochrome (blue, purple, red, green, white, yellow, black, cream);
- Two-color (trunk of the same color, fins of the other);
- Multicolored (multifaceted colors in the color of fins and trunk).
With a sharp change in conditions, fish can become discolored.
The fox fish, which is a cockerel, is able to breathe not only the gills, but also a special respiratory organ, called the "labyrinthine". When in the water, poor in oxygen, the cockerel swims to the surface and swallows the air, which in the labyrinth saturates the blood with oxygen. That is why labyrinthine fish species are not very demanding for water quality, which greatly facilitates their maintenance in the aquarium: there is no special need for filtration and aeration.
Ensure proper care
During the care of fish it is important to protect them from damage to the luxurious tail fins. In the aquarium there should not be snags with needle-like knots and stones with sharp edges.
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