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What is a positive? Significance, synonyms and interpretation

The most interesting question today is on the agenda: what is positive? Do not say that you've never heard of it. Because "on the positive" and "in the adequate" - it's quite popular speech. The latter does not take us today, but the first will be a detailed conversation.

Positive, negative and camera

Now, when almost everything turns into digital technologies, people began to forget: positive and negative are concepts that are primarily related to images. We will reveal their content.

Negative is a film (or plate) that contains an inverse image of the photographed scene.

Positive is a photographic image in which the distribution of shades (in black and white photography) and colors (in color) corresponds to a similar distribution in that subject of reality that the person was shooting.

But this is so, for general development. The reader is hardly interested in photography. Firstly, because digital technologies actually killed the negative and the entire old procedure of photographing. At least for the broad masses. And secondly, we are now interested in a completely different meaning of these words (negative and positive).

English-Russian dictionary

We still need to understand what is positive. Therefore, we will open a good English-Russian dictionary and read the corresponding translation of the word positive:

  • positive;
  • positive;
  • sure;
  • certain;
  • forced;
  • accurate;
  • real;
  • absolute;
  • In the full sense of the word;
  • reliable.

Here are possible translations of the word, but English is contextual, in the sense that the word can reveal values that are not in the dictionary. But this is a separate story.

As we see, most of the definitions "sew" the word to objective reality in the same way as the vocabulary of professional photographers. The more interesting it is to find out what is positive in the Russian realities.


In the classical explanatory dictionaries of this word, of course, can not be detected, but can this stop ardent researchers? Never! Let's give the modern meaning of the words "positive" and "negative".

Positive is what causes positive emotions, requires positive evaluation and / or approval. Yes, an important detail: while the word is considered slang.

For example, this video with kittens is very positive .

Thus, it is not difficult to establish what a negative is. This is what causes negative emotions or they are on their own. Example: in the news one negative .

I would like to develop this idea of confrontation between optimism and pessimism, which are now getting into new clothes of positive and negative thinking, but we are forced to make a stop at the station "Words-Analogues", so that then we should not be distracted by anything.


What is a positive, probably already understandable? It is also clear that in Russian the semantic analogues are difficult to pick up, because the definition covers a variety of phenomena and events with a plus sign. In Russian, the object of research is extremely blurred to the extreme, if it concerns its meaning, but we will nevertheless try to give the reader some substitutions. So:

  • The wondrous;
  • kindness;
  • Location;
  • Positive evaluation;
  • Good;
  • Life-affirming;
  • benevolence;
  • Benevolence.

It is clear that the reader is interested in the synonyms of "positive", but the meaning of this word depends to a large extent on the context, so its replacement is an attempt to catch a certain mood. Let's hope we succeeded.

The new stimulant is Positive

Now it is fashionable to develop, lead a healthy lifestyle, and see the bright side in everything. Earlier it was called "optimism", and now - "positive thinking". For example, a person was stolen by a car, and he thinks: "That's good, I'll finally buy a bicycle and I will save the environment from exhaust emissions."

The basic postulate of such people is to look for everything in something positive. Failures should not oppress a person, for all this is only a lesson, and a total and inevitable victory is seen somewhere there, on the horizon, like communism in its time.

The strange expression "to be positive" appeared in the language, the meaning of the word in this construction is straightforward: it's easy to see the bright side in everything. And the supporters of the new doctrine are very aggressive. If a person is gloomy, gloomy and overly critical of reality, he is offered to take courses where he will be taught the art of positive thinking. And it will change completely: the sun will also rejoice, read the mantras about how to live well in the world.

And here's the strange thing: why, if all these aspirations are so good on their own, live in such a society is very scary?

One thing is for sure: when a person is "positive", the criticality of his thinking decreases, and then disappears completely, as if it did not exist. And this is not our conclusion, this analysis is pushed by the analysis of anti-utopias. As a concrete example, you can take the book "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley.

Society that defeated the negative

If the reader knows the content of the novel, then he will understand what the speech is about, and if not, it is worth familiarizing with such a landmark creation. The first synonym for "positive" as a concept we have the word "marvelous". Of course, this is both a tribute to both Russian and English.

But what happened in a society in which the need was defeated, both psychological and physical? It has become perfect, and people have stopped:

  • think;
  • be in love;
  • empathize;
  • Grieve;
  • suffer;
  • To grow old.

The list seems to look not so bad, only three top positions are concerned. Huxley's Utopian society destroyed family ties: "mother" and "father" - words in that society are almost obscene, very indecent, sexual freedom and entertainment have won. To meet with someone for more than a month is extremely immoral! Children are raised in an incubator, and so that they are already prepared in advance for a particular activity during life. Work was only as a way of engaging people who do not know how to spend their time.

Nothing beautiful in this life was seen only by a stranger or a savage, as he is called in the novel. The hero was brought up in a traditional way, albeit under not the best conditions. He saw the horror of a society in which "the human, too human" died, and even death is no longer such a tragedy. People leave painlessly and easily, without lamentations and tears.

It is clear now what is positive and how terrible it is, if the attitudes of a certain mindset are brought to a logical end?

Optimism and pessimism

If the reader thinks that the confrontation between positive and negative thinking is something new, then he is mistaken. Just before rivals were known under other names, which we took out in the title. It is difficult to say when exactly the crossing of the swords of worldviews began. Probably, if you go deeper, you can find someone in Ancient Greece, but the memorial of the two Germans: GV Leibniz and A. Schopenhauer is memorable for the history of philosophy. The first one said that our world is the best of all possible worlds, and the other that it is, on the contrary, the worst. By the way, if the reader thinks that the pessimist in this couple has suffered all his life and suffered, since he hated "rosy" optimism with all his heart (or "positive", the meaning of the word we are analyzing today), then he is mistaken. Schopenhauer had a fine appetite and with a smile on his lips went to another world. True, the philosopher lived a little by modern standards, only 72 years, but he was not unhappy, and this is the main thing.

The same can be said about the American classic Kurt Vonnegut, who admitted in one of his books: "I can tell you that all these years kept us [the people of one with the writer of the generation] in a tone: hatred." And the author of "Slaughterhouse №5" lived for 84 years.

This means that pessimism does not influence life expectancy at all. In general, the quality and quantity of lived years is too complex a quantity for it to depend on only one parameter, even if it is as important as thinking.

We hope that the reader understood what "positive" means. Finally, let's say: people should be able to balance between extremes and be realistic, that is, to keep two opposite points of view in the mind, to see the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages.

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