
How to cheer up, if you want to sleep? How to stop wanting to sleep?

The desire to sleep in the day is not a disease, but a failure of biorhythms, the so-called internal clock. In our bustling time, almost half the inhabitants of large cities are people who are asleep "on the go." They have a decrease in tone and memory, working capacity is lost. Such people are constantly in a state of stress and often fall into stupid situations. In this article, we'll try to figure out how to cheer up if you want to sleep.

The reasons for wanting to sleep in the daytime

Causes may include: insomnia at night, changing the time zone, lack of sunlight, working in several shifts, stuffy workrooms, taking certain medications, increased fatigue. In addition, drowsiness can be a consequence of such diseases and conditions as diabetes, depression, obesity, alcoholism.

Also, the lack of activity is affected by a large number of entertainment, such as television programs, gaming entertainment, the Internet. Everyone wants to take part everywhere, see and try everything. Of course, there is not enough time for everything and it is necessary to compensate it at night.

If in the first half of the day people work efficiently and productively, in the second half they desperately struggle with sleep, resorting to the endless use of coffee, tea and even energy. But this only worsens the situation - biorhythms are upset with redoubled force, nerves are depleted, sleep is disturbed. Such a vicious circle can bring a person to a nervous breakdown.

Vitamins and movement will save the situation

Let's try to decide how to cheer up if you want to sleep. The main way to fight sleep is to move. Morning should start with a cool shower and a few simple physical exercises. It is better to walk to the workplace - the fresh morning air excellently invigorates, and walking accelerates the blood, which, in turn, activates the brain. In the evening, try not to engage in active work. Watch a movie, socialize with family, read a book - it will promote a good and deep sleep.

In the fight against sleep well help vitamins and minerals. If, for example, the body lacks vitamin B 1 , it can cause headache, fatigue, weakness, dyspnea and increased heart rate. The lack of vitamins B 2 and B 6 causes depression. For normal functioning of the nervous system, magnesium is needed.

Proper nutrition

When the question arises about how to cheer up, if you want to sleep, you should pay attention to the day food, which should be moderately caloric. An ordinary breakfast should contain a slice of bread in 150 grams, porridge buckwheat or oatmeal (if desired), 100 grams of meat or fish. At lunch, eat a salad-rich salad, a sandwich with a boiled egg and 50 grams of cheese. It is better not to eat fatty foods, as they cause a feeling of bloatedness. Food should energize you and not cause lethargy in the body.

Do not at all rule out fruit. It is necessary to minimize alcohol and nicotine. Include in the diet of black currant juice, which has a general strengthening effect, carrot (helps to fight diseases). Grapefruit and sea-buckthorn juices improve the mood. Sugar in juices is better not to add, but a spoonful of honey will not hurt.

Duties and oils will help with drowsiness

Stimulant collection is made from grasses blended in a blender, such as nettle, celery, echinacea and golden root. Incomplete teaspoon of the collection should be poured with steep boiling water and insist. You can also take a little powder from the grinded grasses, and when there is a need, put on the tongue two pinches and suck for a while. Just do not take it in the evening, otherwise you will not be able to sleep.

You can take no more than 30 drops of ginseng or eleutherococcus. But do not overdo it, otherwise the heart will be hard to beat, the pressure will jump and insomnia will overcome.

Also restores the strength of cedar oil. A teaspoon of the drug should be taken into the mouth, a little hold, swallow. Take 3 times a day before meals for about a month.

Essential oils will help when you do not know how to cheer up, if you want to sleep. Only the difference in the herbs used. In the fight against daytime drowsiness, lavender, lemon, jasmine are used. For vivacity it is necessary to smell a bottle or a moistened napkin.

How to spend a night without sleep

Those who for some reason are forced to stay awake are faced with the question of how to cheer up if you want to sleep at night. Here are some tips that will help you. It is important to have a good night's sleep before the event. To feel good at night, the body should be rested. Well, if you have with you will be a snack rich in protein. For example, almonds, cashews, walnuts, low-fat cheese, biscuits, yoghurt. If possible, have bananas and apples with you.

To prevent the brain from falling asleep, meditate, talk with others, ask questions. Focus on some interesting topic, remember the sequence of events, make the brain work. Do not sit in one place, walk around in the room you are in. It also helps when you do not know how to cheer up if you want to sleep. Stand at the window, if possible, visit the bathroom, go up and go down the stairs or jump in one place.

How not to sleep at work

Working in the office room, people after a hard lunch are assiduously struggling with sleep. Such people often ask how to cheer up, if you want to sleep at work. What should I do to drive my sleep away? Execute in the office a little workout. Take breaks between the tasks that you perform. Sometimes simple ways to cheer yourself up help. For example, kick your feet under the table, pull the lobes of your ears, pinch yourself, stretch your shoulders and stretch.

Reduce the amount of food during lunch or divide the meal into several snacks. An easy feeling of hunger stimulates the brain to work - and you will get tired of sleeping. Excessive heat relaxes and euthanizes. To avoid this, open the windows in winter, and turn on the air conditioner in the summer. Add ice to the glass of water and splash cold water on the face. Do not bring the body to dehydration, drink plenty of fluids.

How to cheer up, if you want to sleep at work? Set fire to the aromatized wand in the office - and then not only you, but all employees are guaranteed to cheer up. Place in the office flowers in pots to cleanse the air.

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