
Grusha Samara beauty: a description of the grade, photo, reviews

Breeders of Russia, working with pear varieties, for many years could create a lot of all kinds of "beauties". There is also a Russian beauty, and Lesnaya, and Michurinskaya. Today we decided to find out more about the pear Samarskaya beauty. Description, photos and reviews about it can be found in this article. This variety is a kind of "golden mean": fruits do not have to wait long, but still it has enough time to "drink" with plenty of summer heat and frequent rains of August.

general information

Pear The Samara beauty is an early-fruited fruit crop. Her buds blossom late, hence, and flowering comes later. Harvesting is carried out until the middle of September.

Harvest should be stored after collection in a dark and cool place for not more than a month. If you "overexpose", then the taste of the fruit will deteriorate.

According to the statement of the breeders, the Samara beauty is the first more or less good yields for the fifth year of life. After this, with proper care, it will annually please gardeners with fruitfulness of industrial level.

History of deducing

Pear variety Samara beauty was bred in the Middle Volga region, taking into account the agrotechnical features and climate of the region. Experts believe that this area is ideal for the development of horticulture, as it meets all the requirements of good growth of cultivated plants.

The selection of this variety was carried out by agronomists of the Research Institute of Medicinal Plants and Horticulture "Zhigulevsky Gardens", that in the Samara Region: Kedrina T., Kedrin S., Kuznetsova A.

"Parents" of the Samara beauty were elite varieties Dessert and Kuibyshevskaya golden. In 2006, the variety was officially registered and recommended for cultivation on the territory of the Samara region. When planting a pear in this region, breeders guarantee the yield and taste qualities stated in the characteristic.

Grusha Samarskaya beauty: description and photo

The tree should not be high - this is a disadvantage. According to the standards, it should be average or slightly higher. The maximum growth of the pear reaches in a short time. The stub is covered with a green-gray bark.

The main branches grow almost at a right angle from the stem, the crown is leafy, oval or round.

Shoots are formed elongated, color - brown-brown. At bare bent sprouts there may be a slight curvature.

The kidneys of the tree are slightly elongated, protruding. The foliage in the center is slightly curved, painted in a light green color.

Description of fruits

Pear Samarskaya beauty gives large and medium-sized fruits. As a rule, the most beautiful, neat pears appear on the adult tree, the average weight of each is from 140 to 190 grams. However, if the climatic conditions are favorable, proper agricultural technology is being maintained, then pears can be much larger, a crop with an average weight of 350 grams was recorded.

Pear Samarskaya beauty has fruits of either classical or long "bottle" shape. Initially, their color is green-yellow, and during the full ripening period, a characteristic scattered red-brown blush appears on the peel. Also on the peel, numerous brown-green subcutaneous spots are clearly visible.

Pear flesh is white, very juicy, while the consistency may seem rude. Inside there is a seed nest, in it - seeds of a gray-brown color.

The taste of the fruit is sweet, with a slight astringent sourness. If the maturation took place under conditions of sufficient heat and sun, the taste will be good. If the season had few sunny days and a lot of rain, then the quality of taste will be only satisfactory. Tasting grade was received in the range from 3.8 to 4.1 points on a five-point scale.

Pear Samarskaya beauty, whose description of the variety we are presenting in the article, is universal in application. It can be eaten fresh, boiled compotes, and jelly, jam and marmalade are obtained excellent, very fragrant.


From the fifth year of his life the pear Samarskaya beauty begins to bear fruit steadily, increasing productivity annually. This rhythm allows you to collect good harvests. As the statistics have shown, for the seventh year from one tree it is possible to collect more than thirty kilograms of fruits.

The product view of pears persists for a long time, so there are no problems with sales. Transportability is high, which allows you to transport fruits for long distances. Due to the dense skin, the flesh does not crumple, the form does not deteriorate.

The advantage of the variety is high frost resistance. Pear Samarskaya beauty can survive the winter without loss, with a drop in temperature to -35 degrees. However, if there are more severe frosts, fruit buds can be ruined.

Culture can be grown for personal consumption, and it is ideal for the cultivation of gardens of industrial scale.

Place for planting

The variety is thermophilic, so it is necessary to choose a site that is well illuminated by the sun's rays and sheltered from the winds. The tree is not afraid of the scorching sun, and the excess of the shadow will lead to a decrease in the sugar content in the fruit.

The soil must be loamy, and fertile black earth is also ideal. Excessive moisture pear Samara beauty can not stand. If there is no possibility to plant a tree in remote places from the near occurrence of groundwater, or if the site is in the lowland, where water is collected, then it is necessary to provide artificial drainage. Ignoring this recommendation will result in weakening, frequent plant diseases, then it will die.


After the optimum place for planting is chosen, it is necessary to dig a pit, the diameter of which is 70 centimeters, and the depth is a meter. After this, it is necessary to pour lime solution to neutralize pests that feed on roots and bark. The solution is prepared from the calculation of 2 cups of pussy on a 10-liter bucket of water. Dredged soil from the pit should be mixed with two buckets of humus, the same amount of sand, a glass of superphosphate. In a week you can start landing.

Seedling should be set so that its root neck remains at a level of five centimeters above the ground. After the planting is completed, it is necessary to water the soil well, to cover the mulch with a layer of two centimeters.


Pear Samarskaya beauty should be irrigated in especially arid seasons once a week. If the rains are enough, then watering is done twice a month. Also, experienced gardeners recommend removing dead or too long shoots - this is necessary to increase yield. It is necessary to apply organic fertilizers once a year, and mineral fertilizers during the flowering period, during the ovary and during the ripening of the pears.

Stable loosening of the land near the trunk will avoid contamination of the tree with putrefactive and fungal diseases, it will repel the attack of pests. Pear Samarskaya beauty is resistant to such attacks, but for the prevention of this procedure is necessary to produce.

The variety is well tolerated by frosts, so no preparation for winter is needed, with the exception of wrapping the plant cover material planted in this season.

Reviews about the pear

Samara beauty is a relatively new variety, not all gardeners who planted these trees on their site, were able to get good harvests. Those who grow pear from the first years of its breeding, celebrate a worthy annual harvest and good taste qualities of fruits.

They write that the tree is not whimsical, it is resistant to diseases, so it is easy to care for.

Pear Samara beauty is recommended for cultivation and industrial agricultural land.

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