
How to pinch tomatoes, every summer resident should know

Pasynkovanie tomatoes - this is one of the methods of obtaining a good, high-quality harvest. How well the bush is formed depends on how large the fruit will be and how many will be on the plant. How to pinch tomatoes, we will tell in this article. First, let's define what a stepchild is and why it should be cleaned. Stephens are shoots that grow from the sinuses of leaves. They need to be removed (plucked) so that they do not take away the forces from the plant that are necessary for the formation and maturation of a good crop. If the stepchildren are not removed, then, as on the main shoots, leaflets will begin to form on them, and second-order stepsons will grow from their sinuses. In addition, on the stepson, as on the main stems, ovaries will form, and this will take away the strength of the plant. Therefore, the tomatoes should be patched on time, not allowing the shoots to grow to considerable size. This method is particularly effective in varieties of indeterminate tomatoes, which are distinguished by their high stature. Some beginners gardening, not knowing how to pinch tomatoes, do not do this at all, considering it sufficient that they grow seedlings, remove weeds, feed and water plants. And then they are surprised: so much effort is spent and all in vain - the harvest is small.

How to properly pinch tomatoes?

When the stepson reaches a size of 5-7 centimeters, it should be removed. At the same time,
Leave a small stump (about 1 cm) - this will prevent the growth of the shoot Again, that is, at this place, the escape will no longer grow. In addition, a shrub tomato can be formed into one, two or three stems - it's at your discretion, but more shoots in one bush should not be left, otherwise the fruits will be small. If you decide to form a bush in one stem, then all stepsons should be removed. And how to pinch tomatoes, if the bush is formed in two or three stems? Here there is one rule: all stepsons who are above the first flower brush, we delete. We leave the stepson, which is located just below the first flower brush - so we form a bush in two stems. If you want to form a bush in three stems, then leave the stepson, which is even lower, for example, the second from the flower brush from below. There is one more way of pasynkovaniya: the lower stepsons are not removed, but take root, and the bush develops with an even more powerful root system. How to pinch tomatoes in this case? Opposite the necessary stepchildren, which have grown 8-10 cm already, we make grooves and lay side shoots there, dig in them so that the very tops remain above the surface of the earth. Thus, the tomato shrub receives additional nutrition, which increases the yield. The other stepsons can be removed.

How to accelerate the ripening of fruits?

On the question of whether you need to pinch tomatoes, we answered. Now let's see how to accelerate the ripening of fruits. Here again, we will receive a pinch, but now we will not pinch our stepchildren, but the main stem. This is done in the first half of August, when the bulk of the fruit has already reached the stage of pouring. Pinching is carried out over the third or fourth brush and all the ovaries are removed: they no longer have time to form a full yield, and the forces from the plant will be taken away. In addition, you can still cut off excess leaves that hide fruits from the sun, tear off part of the roots or make a through longitudinal incision on the stem - all these techniques will accelerate the ripening of fruits in late summer if the weather conditions are not too favorable.

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