
Reproduction of leaf violets: advice of a connoisseur

The violet reproduces simply. It is not necessary to consider the way of reproduction of seeds - this is too time-consuming. It is much easier to multiply violets by leaf, by dividing the bush and multiplying by a flower stalk.

There are a lot of different kinds of this flower. One of them was called ampel violets, or senpolia trailers. They are grown in large pots and hinged pots. Unlike ordinary varieties, the violet violet has a slightly elongated stem. Most often in the pot planted several flowers, and then the plant is formed if desired. The violet leaf has a rounded shape, but the coloring of different varieties is different. The leaves of violets can be light, mottled, monochromatic dark. Flowers also have different shapes and colors in different varieties. They can be terry, simple, fimbriated, monophonic, with stripes and strokes, with specks and patterns. In ampel violets, the stem has many branches and several rosettes of leaves.

Well grow violets in the lighted places (but without the burning sun and drafts) at a temperature of +18 to +24 degrees. Touch the glass window leaflets violet can not. To water the flower should be moderately, if necessary, standing water at room temperature. When watering, water should not get on the leaves or the outlet. It is better to water at the edge of the pot or in a pallet. In the winter, watering should be moderate.

Reproduction of violets by a leaf: a description of the process

Together with the petiole we pinch off the leaf you like. If the petiole remains on the trunk, it must be removed, otherwise it will rot. In general it is better to choose a leaf in the middle of the socket, but no longer young. Extreme leaflets are usually old and may die. The crust is shortened to 7 cm, but it is possible and less. And vice versa, you can lengthen the petiole by cutting the leaf. We make incisions along the petiole and from the edges of the leaf along the veins to the petiole until they intersect. This will prolong the petiole. But once in the water it should not be put. Let the leaf lie on the air for an hour, so that the wounds dry. The scallop undercut diagonally. The wider the cut, the more roots it will release. Usually one sheet gives from 4 to 8 outlets. The grown up rosettes are separated from the leaf, and the leaf is left in the water - it will give the next offspring.

Reproduction of violets by leaf is possible for most varieties, but not for everyone. Chimeras, for example, with this method of reproduction lose their shape and color.

Root leaf can be in the water and in the ground. In the first case, the roots will appear in two weeks. But it's not necessary to plant a deep leaf in the ground, otherwise it will take several months to wait. In the water there is a leaf for up to two months and gives a lot of rootlets and young shoots. Therefore, the flower will grow faster and blossom earlier. But if you immediately put in a pot of soil, then take root for a long time, or even die.

It is possible to multiply violets by leaves in sphagnum. The way is good. This moss is a good antibacterial agent. And you can take root both in the soaked and fresh - sphagnum living. As you can see, the multiplication of violets with a leaf is a very simple and reliable method. Try it, and you will succeed. And the world around will be a little more beautiful.

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