
Food allergy. How to deal with it

Food allergy is especially common in preschool children. This is due to the immaturity of some organs and systems of the child's body. Almost every person experiences the symptoms of this disease from time to time. When entering into the body of various substances, suddenly there is an immediate reaction of the immune system with the production of antibodies. This article examines the main symptoms of food allergies, treatment methods and lists the most common food groups that can cause this disease.

Food allergies can occur when citrus, chocolate, legumes, cereals, nuts, fish, egg whites, whole milk and other foods get into the body. They, having appeared in an organism as allergens, cause an immediate allergic reaction. The extent to which food allergy is expressed depends on the concentration of antibodies in the blood. Immediate reaction occurs every time you get an allergen.

The child's organism tends to often perceive unfamiliar groups of products as foreign substances and react vigorously to them. That's why getting acquainted with new food should start with small portions. In a mature organism it is very difficult to cure an allergy to a product. In the event that parents have this disease, there is a high probability that their baby will have a food allergy. Symptoms can be pronounced, or have a hidden character.

For the general reaction of the body is characterized by a slight drop in blood pressure, a state of weakness, dizziness, an increase in temperature. There is a violation of the secretory and motor function of the stomach. The patient complains of a feeling of heaviness and pain in the ileum. Diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea may occur. On the skin, redness and itching may appear. The severity of these symptoms depends on the number of "wrong" products that have got into the body. Dry cough, labored breathing and runny nose are also characteristic for the diagnosis of food allergy.

Symptoms may appear within a few hours or even a few days. An allergic reaction of an immediate type is anaphylactic shock. It is characterized by difficulty breathing, due to swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, severe sweating, lowering of blood pressure, severe itching. This condition requires immediate, qualified medical care. Otherwise, the victim may lose consciousness and even die from suffocation.

If you have had allergic reactions to any foods, you should always be extra careful not to have a food allergy again . How to treat this disease you will explain the allergist doctor. Diagnosis of food allergy begins with a blood test, which allows you to determine the concentration of antibodies. A patient survey is conducted in order to accurately establish a group of products that cause allergies. Treatment begins with a hypoallergenic diet. It includes rice, lettuce, apples. Gradually, the diet can expand and introduce new vegetables and fruits.

To reduce the severity of the symptoms of allergy use modern antihistamines. They relieve puffiness, itching and redness of the skin. Nasal sprays containing vasoconstrictor components quickly cope with allergic rhinitis.

To be frightened of such disease, as a food allergy it is not necessary. You have to be ready for it and take control of your diet, controlling what you drink or eat. And always consult with your doctor.

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