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Feeding children on artificial feeding: basic rules

Despite the fact that breast milk is the optimal food for the baby, which contains all the vitamins and trace elements necessary for development, there are situations when babies are switched to nutrition with a mixture. Artificial children require a special approach, first of all, when introducing complementary foods. So, pediatricians recommend that these babies enter supplemental nutrition a little earlier than babies who are breast-fed. 5-6 months is the optimal age to begin luring children on artificial feeding. Earlier terms of administration are due to the fact that in such children the stomach is more adapted to food, and, at the time of introduction of complementary foods , all the necessary enzymes have already been developed for its digestion. In addition, the mixtures, despite the high degree of adaptation, do not contain all the vitamins that are found in breast milk. Therefore, missing nutrients can be obtained from complementary foods.

With what to begin?

Feeding children on artificial feeding should start with vegetable purees. Kashi pediatricians recommend children with underweight, while this is a rarity for artificial children. Ideally suitable single-component puree from vegetables with a faint color and taste - squash, cabbage, potatoes. After them you can try carrots, pumpkin. The child's supplementary table is a very convenient thing. It allows you to note on what day what product was given to the baby, which is especially important in case of allergic reactions.

Fundamental rules

The feeding of children on artificial feeding requires the observance of a number of rules:

  • Start with a few grams of one-component vegetable puree, gradually increasing the volume to a full serving;
  • Lure should be offered before the mixture;
  • Enter no more than one new product at a time;
  • Lure should be given only with a spoon;
  • When the amount of eaten reaches 100-150 grams, it is not necessary to supplement the mixture;
  • For the first complementary meal it is necessary to first replace the lunch feeding;
  • The first lure of children on artificial feeding should be homogeneous, puree. So the baby will be easier to swallow. With the advent of the first teeth, you can begin to give products of a less uniform consistency, with lumps, so that the child learns to chew.

After the introduction of vegetables, you can offer porridge. Excellent for the first complementary foods gluten-free porridge - rice, corn, buckwheat. After seven months, you can enter cottage cheese, gradually bringing its consumption to 50 grams. In the same period, you can supplement the diet with yolk. The best thing for children is quail eggs. The yolk should try to give literally a grain, gradually bringing to the norm - no more than two yolks per week. Closer to the year, you can try and protein. Closer to eight months you can try to give meat. It is better to start with a low-fat rabbit or a turkey. What to feed the child after a year? Cow's milk, beans, flour products, bright berries - all this is gradually necessary to introduce into the diet of crumbs. The main thing is to do it gradually and monitor the quality of the products.

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