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Names for Streltsy boys on the zodiac sign

The choice of a name is a very important step, for when you name a child, parents determine his fate. Someone peeks into the saints, someone strictly observes family traditions, passing names from generation to generation, and someone hopes for astrology. This article is devoted to an answer to the question of what names fit the Sagittarius boys in the zodiac.

Horoscope of Sagittarius

Sagittarius are people born in the period from November 23 to December 21, and under the influence of different planets. We can distinguish three independent time intervals, where Mercury dominates (23.11-2.12), the Moon (03.12-12.12) and Saturn (13.12-21.12.12). Independent and brave natures, possessing a firm spirit and sensuality, keen on sports and hunting, are born under the influence of Mercury. The moon gives newborns imagination and imagination, a changeable mood and a desire for travel. Saturn has an impact on the formation of perseverance, love of luxury and gourmet.

To understand what names are suitable for Sagittarius boys, you need to know the characteristics of this sign of the zodiac. The main thing for his representatives is the importance of social status and the desire to leave a trace on the earth, therefore it is very important how common the name of the newborn Sagittarius should be.

How to choose?

Astrologers believe that the name should be chosen after the birth of the baby, when it is already possible to compile a detailed natal chart. Given the desire of Sagittarians to stand out from the crowd, it is important to understand how common it is in society. In ancient years, specifically monitored that the names were given in a certain proportion and there was no predominance of the same ones that enjoyed special popularity. Today this is not, so in school and work collective you can find several Yul, Denisov, Alexandrov. Than it is fraught?

  • The names for the Streltsy boys, which have become fashionable and widely used by a certain generation, will make it possible to achieve something in life only with the support of the masses. They will affect the strong dependence on the environment and the stereotypes that have developed in society.
  • Sagittarians with rare names can remain without public support. They will have to succeed in an active confrontation with the majority, counting only on their own strengths and capabilities.
  • A reasonable combination of collective energy and individual efforts is possible only by people with names that have an average level of distribution in society.

Sagittarius (zodiac sign): the names of boys depending on the character

Born under this sign inherent love, ready to easily turn into rebelliousness. The name is able to make a certain correction in the fate of a person: protect from serious problems and prevent failures, develop virtues and smooth out shortcomings. To choose a name in accordance with the recommendations of astrologers is to represent the character of Sagittarius character well in order to forecast development along the best path.

The merits include: decisiveness, a developed intellect and straightforwardness in the relationship. The first two qualities can easily lead to the camp of the winners if they form a diplomacy in the boy and do not indulge in tactless manners. Risk-loving, Sagittarians do not shy away from the struggle and do not try to find support in others. They create a happier tomorrow, but at the same time are sincere, like children, and because of this, they are sometimes irresponsible. Inveterate travelers, they can go both to real wanderings, and to fictional, formed in their own head. The names for Streltsy boys can affect whether they are active or passive people, have positive or negative inclinations.

Astrology about names

By the relationship of the surrounding world and the table of planetary movements, astrologers identify the instants of the baby's birth, determining its strong and weak features. A personal horoscope is a kind of cosmic drawing that allows you to build names in a certain system, designed to find harmony between a person and fate. Rich people have always been available this way, and they often resort to the services of astrologers. But even without help, it is now possible to choose the names for the Streltsy boys, following their recommendations. At the heart of the methodology is either the western or eastern path, on which we will dwell in more detail.

In the first case, the bet is made on strong planets and horoscope points, which are considered the driving force behind the development of the personality. To give an impetus to the disclosure of the creative potential of a person, the name is chosen taking into account the individuality, based on the most powerful signals. The eastern approach is based on increasing attention to the weak planets, responsible for the manifestation of weaknesses and weaknesses of the individual. The emphasis is on inner harmony, which allows a person to cope later with internal contradictions. Correctly chosen name allows not only to accept oneself, but also to fit in with the society. Let us dwell on the list proposed by astrologers.

Suitable names

The most successful names for Streltsy boys are:

  • Alexander - "protector", "man"; Aristarchus is the "leader of the best"; Vasily is "regal"; George - the "farmer", as well as his derivatives Yegor and Yuri; Nikolai is the "winner of the nations"; Spartacus - "trampling"; Stepan - "crown", as well as his Catholic version of Stefan. All of them are of ancient Greek origin.
  • Names with ancient Jewish roots: Ivan (from John, "pardoned by God"), Joseph ("will be added from God"), Seraphim ("fiery angel").
  • Having Slavic origin - Vyacheslav, consisting of two words - "more" (more) and "Slav" (glory), Stanislav ("stan" - become, "glory" - glory).

Outstanding Sagittarius

Choosing names for boys (on the horoscope of Sagittarius), you should know the outstanding representatives of this sign of the zodiac. They largely confirm the conclusions of astrologers, because they comply with their recommendations. Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov and explorer of the Arctic Ivan Papanin, outstanding 19th-century doctor Nikolai Pirogov and Russian Marxist Georgy Plekhanov, composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Nobel laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn achieved much.

Among our contemporaries, the most famous Sagittarius are the circus artist Yuri Nikulin, the TV host Alexander Maslyakov and the best striker in the history of Zenit Alexander Kerzhakov.

Choosing a name for the baby, it is necessary to provide that it is combined with the surname and patronymic, which will largely affect the preferences of the parents.

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