EducationColleges and Universities

Execution of the thesis: instruction

So, this happy and long-awaited moment has come: you have finished writing the thesis and even received the "welcome" from your supervisor. Ahead is the exciting moment of protection and, finally, freedom from the institution. However, there it was: the leader repeatedly forces you to redo these or other little things, which greatly poisons the anticipation of all the joys of life. To avoid this, special attention should be paid to the correct execution of the thesis.

Teachers have an unpleasant characteristic of clinging to each comma, and it is no accident. The fact is that each member of the commission strives because of such trifles to lower the score or simply to drive the defender into paint. In order not to overshadow the happy day of graduation, consider all the details.

Competent registration of the title page of the thesis is the first step to success. You must specify the exact name of your school in the header. Where can I get it? On the website of each university there is this information, and some universities even lay out the samples of registration. In this case, you just need to do everything from the template. If there is no sample, note that the title page should contain the name of the work in the center, the city and the year at the bottom of the page, as well as the name of the person who performed and the one who checked. The scientific adviser should be indicated along with all his regalia and titles.

The design of the thesis must be traced on every page. It is very important that the footnotes and references are properly drawn up, for this there are state standards that are better not to search on the Internet, but to clarify with your teacher. At the university, everyone knows this, because they have to deal with paperwork, coursework and diplomas every day.

See that on each page the right indent from the left and from the right edge is observed. In general, the standard indent is one and a half and two and a half centimeters respectively, but your educational institution may have its own requirements. Registration of the thesis work is a painstaking and demanding work , so do not be lazy to clarify the exact rules!

The writing of diplomas in comparison with the design work will seem to you not such a difficult task. That there is only one list of literature! Not only that most of the works he has a very extensive, so not all books from him manage to see live and rewrite the output. Be careful: the year, the publisher and the exact page of the used material are mandatory!

Do not forget to properly complete the introduction and conclusion. In both parts, the goals and objectives of your work should be reflected, but in the introduction you need to talk about what you want to achieve, and in conclusion - that you managed to achieve this. Do not forget to mention the relevance of your work, because it is the innovative part of the diploma that makes it so valuable.

Chapters are usually divided into paragraphs in order to facilitate the assimilation of the material, but if you do not have them especially long, you can do without paragraphs. In order for the work to have value, on each page there must be at least one footnote, with all footnotes it is desirable to do on different sources. And do not forget to write in a beautiful and literate language! Yet first of all the commission looks at the meaning, and not on the design of the thesis. Good luck!

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