Self improvementPsychology

What is the ambition in character?

Today everyone understands differently what ambitions are. Someone refers to ambitious people negatively, considering them snobbish snobs, and someone does not hesitate to call himself an ambitious person and is proud of it. But what is really ambitious? Is it a positive or negative quality? Let's try to figure this out.

Ambitiousness is what? Interpretation of the term in different cultures

Different dictionaries give different interpretations. For example, the dictionary Ozhegova gives this word a negative color. In Russian culture, modesty has always been the highest priority, therefore the meaning of the word "ambitiousness" is sharply negative. This is an inflated claim, and swagger, as well as arrogance and unhealthy pride. Russian culture did not honor ambitious people and labeled them as tyrants, who must be ridiculed in every possible way.

In Western society completely different attitude to the concept of "ambitiousness" was formed. The meaning of this word has a positive color. Such people are valued by employers, because they always strive for more, set high goals and achieve them.

Today, when Russia also began to strive for a capitalistic future, the attitude towards ambitious people began to change. In business, timid, insecure personalities are not appreciated. Employers began to be interested in ambitious people who could lead the company to success.

Ambitiousness: Definition

In a general sense, the term can be defined as the desire at all costs to achieve success, get more than you have at the moment, change your life for the better, set high goals and get what you want. Very often ambitious people have no idea how they can achieve the task, but they still hope for a positive outcome and strive for the goal, even without any means to achieve it. Most often, ideas come in the process of moving to the desired. The usual goal differs from the ambitious that at first glance it seems unrealizable, it is like a dream looming in an infinitely distant future, it seems risky and dangerous, and it is precisely ambitious that does it. Synonyms of this concept can be cited as follows: ambition, self-esteem, pretentiousness, vainglory, arrogance, arrogance. An ambitious person can never be satisfied with his current position and will always find what to strive for further. Such people usually become politicians, sports stars, successful businessmen.

Ambitious character

Let's try to draw an approximate portrait of the person to whom the quality considered by us is inherent. What is the ambition in character? First of all, this constant desire for self-development and self-improvement. An ambitious person attends various trainings and seminars, reads professional literature, because he understands that without development there will be no movement towards the goal. He realizes the need to adapt to the changing environment and at the same time tries not to lose his own individuality. He will always try to learn something new, as new knowledge contributes to his progress.

Secondly, an ambitious person will never allow others to treat him badly, disrespectfully. He has a strong sense of self-worth.

Thirdly, such a person is always easier than others to climb up the career ladder. Often, ambitious people are more successful than the more talented, but not so vain.

And finally, such a person always tries to set himself up for a positive outcome, even if he has doubts about the reality of achieving the desired result. He likes to set goals slightly higher than what he can really achieve. And only achieving heights, he feels genuine satisfaction.

Now you probably became clearer, what is the ambition in the nature. A person endowed with this quality has great chances to achieve success in all areas of his life.

How to develop?

Since the quality in question is in fashion today, many are wondering how to develop ambitiousness in themselves. And is it even possible? We must say right away that we are not born with ambitions. This quality is acquired in the process of personal development and is established from the very childhood. His own parents play an important role in shaping the ambitions of a person. If they encourage all the successes of the child, rejoice for it and praise, then such a person grows more self-confident, and with age he has ambitions.

And if the parents mostly abuse the child and do not pay due attention to his achievements, then, most likely, he will grow up devoid of ambition, hammered and unsure of himself.

There are also situations when children whose parents do not give them the proper support grow up and try to prove to them, to themselves and at the same time to the whole world, that they, too, are worth something. Such people are trying to challenge society, and their ambitions are often painful.

Thus, it can be said that ambition can not be developed - this trait is laid in a person from childhood.

Unhealthy quality

Now that we have determined what ambitiousness is, let's try to find out in which cases it is useful, and in which it can bring significant harm to a person and his environment.

What kind of people can be said that their ambitions went beyond and become unhealthy? First of all, the claims must be something reinforced. If a person really has any abilities, it is natural that he has certain ambitions. But when they are from scratch, with complete lack of ability in a certain field of activity, it looks ridiculous and silly.

A person with unhealthy ambition can set unrealistic goals, as he overestimates his capabilities. He can not even admit that he can not cope with any task, he is ready to work on it day and night, just to prove to himself and others that he can achieve this.

In addition, an overly ambitious person is demanding not only to himself, but also to others. He does not respect people with low ambitions and confronts others with difficult tasks. He can even behave arrogantly, as if he has already achieved a lot. That's what ambitiousness means in an unhealthy and ugly form.

Healthy Claims

A person who adequately assesses their abilities will never set themselves unrealistic tasks. He will strive for high, but achievable goals. Having reached them, he will continue his movement towards the new. A person with healthy ambitions strives for self-improvement, to ensure that every day he lives better than the previous one.

With such a person it is always pleasant and interesting to communicate. Man will not behave arrogantly, on the contrary, by his example, by his successes he is able to inspire other people. In addition, such a person is able to relate the complexity of the task to the timing of its implementation, will not set itself too complex goals that need to be achieved in a short time.

That's what ambitiousness is in the positive sense of the word.

Good or bad?

Undoubtedly, healthy ambition is a useful quality of character. It helps him move forward and improve his life. The main thing is that in their pursuit of success, a person does not overdo the stick and does not become a victim of his own claims.

If people with unhealthy ambitions work in the team, this can lead to conflict situations, which, naturally, will worsen not only the relationship, but also affect the quality of the work. An overly ambitious person will never seek help from another, more competent, because it will strike at his morbid self-esteem. Therefore, the work may generally remain unfulfilled or its result will be unsatisfactory.

Thus, ambitiousness is a good quality only if the claims are not overstated, and a person can really assess their capabilities.

What professions are suitable for such people?

Individuals with healthy ambitions are fit almost any profession, because everywhere they can achieve some success.

Best of all, they feel in leadership positions - they can be fine middle and top managers. They can also achieve great success in sales, where the final result of work is important. Ambitious people come up with professions in which there is an element of competition - this constantly spurs their interest and makes them strive for more.

Professions for people with low ambitions

If you read this article, you have ranked yourself among people with a low level of aspiration, do not be upset. For such a person there are also many good professions. Since he appreciates first of all professional stability and does not put career growth at the center of the corner, he can try himself as an engineer, clerk, economist or accountant.

In addition, people with low ambitions can work in the administrative sphere, where there is a high staff turnover. In the labor market there is always a deficit in the field of administrative personnel, because employees who have ambitions usually do not stay long in such positions, for them it is just a springboard for further promotion.

So, what is ambitiousness? In a broad sense, this is a person's desire for success. If he sets himself high goals and strives to achieve them, if he tries to improve the quality of his life and is engaged in self-improvement and self-development, he can be called ambitious. This quality of character can be either good or bad, depending on whether the person has healthy or inflated ambitions.

We hope that after reading this article, you will understand what ambitiousness means.

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