HealthHealthy Eating

Diet 2468. Effective method of losing weight or a way to undermine health?

It is believed that the diet 2468 was invented for models, who sometimes need to lose weight very quickly. The advantages of this system can be attributed to the fact that you can eat anything that your heart desires. It's only in quantity, because the slimming will have to strictly calculate the absorbed calories. So, according to this theory, it is possible to lose weight by eating chocolate bars or burgers.

But is this method effective, as described? Is it really possible to remove extra pounds by absorbing sandwiches with bacon? Let's try to understand.

Ideally, diet 2468 should begin with a daily discharge on water. On this day you can drink only ordinary water without gas and other additives. If you endure such mockery too hard, you can afford such weaknesses as a cup of expresso or green tea. You can not eat anything else on the first day, but you can drink water as long as you want. If desired, you can add ice or, conversely, heat the water to drink it hot.

To enhance the purifying effect of discharge, it is recommended to drink laxative tea for the night, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

On the second day, diet 2468 allows the use of any food with one "but". The total calorie content of a daily diet should not exceed two hundred calories. Naturally, in order to more easily transfer such restrictions, it is better to choose a low-calorie, but voluminous food. And to eat a daily portion not in one sitting, but divided into several receptions.

What can I recommend eating to meet two hundred calories? For example, vegetable stew prepared without oil. It is important that the composition of the vegetable mixture does not include such high-calorie foods as potatoes, peas, corn, beans. This dish "pulls" for about thirty calories for every one hundred grams. Also, you can recommend cooking cabbage (of any kind), in which about 25 kcal per 100 grams or mushrooms - 18 kcal / 100 g. Naturally, count calories not only in the product itself, but also in sauces and dressings. So, no mayonnaise, sour cream and butter. Vegetables are prepared exclusively on the water. The use of salt and seasonings is not forbidden, since their calorific value is negligible.

You can eat fruits on the first day, but they are more caloric than vegetables, so you will have to severely limit their quantity.

On the second day, diet 2468 allows you to consume products at 400 kcal. On this day, it is recommended to introduce protein into the diet. For example, 100 grams of chicken breast (boiled or baked without butter and sauces) or the same amount of cottage cheese. The remaining calories are better "pick" with vegetables.

On the third and fourth day it is allowed to consume products at 600 and 800 kcal, respectively. In the following days, you should repeat the diet, holding the same scheme - 2468. Diet can be observed until the desired weight.

The principle of this method of losing weight - the variation of daily caloric content, it is also called "swings" or "roller coaster".

I must say that there is not a single nutritionist who publicly recommended the diet, which offers a diet of 2468. Reviews of doctors about this system of weight loss are also far from being rosy.

The diet is not balanced, so the body will be deficient in nutrients. In addition, such a meager menu can provoke food breakdowns and the subsequent set of even greater weight. This diet is categorically contraindicated in adolescents under 18 years old, as well as people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The very main argument against this diet is that the metabolism with such a low-calorie diet will necessarily slow down, that is, it will be even more difficult to lose weight.

So, if someone really wants to try this method of weight loss, then it is necessary to limit oneself to one cycle, that is, to hold out for five days. But "go to the second round" is undesirable.

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