HealthHealthy Eating

Benefits and Harms of Saturated Fatty Acids

This topic has gained its popularity relatively recently - since when mankind strenuously began to strive for harmony. That's when they started talking about the benefits and harms of fats. Researchers classify them on the basis of a chemical formula on the basis of the presence of double bonds. The presence or absence of the latter allows the separation of fatty acids into two large groups: unsaturated and saturated.

A lot has been written about the properties of each of them, and it is believed that the first relates to useful fats, but the second is not. Unequivocally confirm the truth of this conclusion or refute it at the root is wrong. Any natural element is important for the full development of man. In other words, let's try to figure out what is the use and whether there is harm from consuming saturated fatty acids.

Features of the chemical formula

If we approach the aspect of their molecular structure, then the right step will be to seek help from science. First, remembering the chemistry, we note that fatty acids are inherently hydrocarbon compounds, and their atomic structure is formed as a chain. Second, the fact that carbon atoms are quadrivalent. And at the end of the chain they are connected with three particles of hydrogen and one carbon. In the middle they are surrounded by two atoms of carbon and hydrogen. As you can see, the circuit is completely filled - there is no possibility to add at least one more hydrogen particle.

It is best to present a saturated fatty acid formula. These substances, whose molecules are a carbon chain, are simpler in their chemical structure than other fats and contain a pair of carbon atoms. Its name is obtained on the basis of a system of hydrocarbons saturated with a certain length of the chain. Formula in general form:

CH3- (CH2) n-COOH

Some properties of these compounds characterize such an index as the melting point. They are also divided into types: high-molecular and low-molecular. The first have a solid consistency, the second - a liquid, the higher the molar mass, the greater the temperature at which they melt.

Saturated fatty acids are also called single-base fatty acids, because they do not have double bonds between adjacent carbon atoms. This leads to the fact that their reactivity decreases - the human body is more difficult to split them, and this process, accordingly, takes more energy.


The brightest representative and, perhaps, the most famous saturated fatty acid is palmitic, or as it is also called, hexadecane. Its molecule includes 16 carbon atoms (C16: 0) and no single double bond. About 30-35 percent of it is contained in human lipids. This is one of the main types of limit acids contained in bacteria. It is also present in the fats of various animals and a number of plants, for example, in the notorious palm oil.

A large number of carbon atoms is characterized by stearic and arachine saturated fatty acids, whose formulas include 18 and 20, respectively. The first is in large amounts found in lamb fat - here it can be up to 30%, it is present in vegetable oils - about 10%. Arachine, or - in accordance with its systematic name - eicosan, is found in creamy and peanut oil.

All these substances are high-molecular compounds and in their consistency are solid.

"Saturated" products

Today without them it is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen. Limit fatty acids are found in foods of both animal and plant origin. However, comparing their content in both groups, it should be noted that in the first case their percentage is higher than in the second.

To the list of foods that contain a lot of saturated fats, include all meat products: pork, beef, mutton and various kinds of poultry. A group of dairy products can also boast of their availability: ice cream, sour cream, butter, and milk itself can be included here. Limit fats are also found in some types of vegetable oils: palm and coconut.

A little bit about artificial products

The group of saturated fatty acids include such an "achievement" of the modern food industry as trans fats. They are obtained by hydrogenation of vegetable oils. The essence of the process is that the liquid vegetable oil under pressure and at a temperature of up to 200 degrees subjected to active exposure to hydrogen gas. As a result, a new product is obtained - hydrogenated, having a distorted type of molecular structure. In the natural environment, compounds of this kind are absent. The purpose of this transformation is not at all to the benefit of human health, but is caused by the desire to obtain a "convenient" solid taste-improving product, with a good texture and a long shelf life.

The role of saturated fatty acids in the functioning of the human body

The biological functions entrusted to these compounds are to supply the body with energy. Their plant representatives are the raw materials used by the body to form cell membranes, and also as a source of biological substances that are actively involved in tissue regulation processes. This is especially true because of the increased risk of malignant formation in recent years. Saturated fatty acids are involved in the processes of the synthesis of hormones, the assimilation of vitamins and various trace elements. Reducing their consumption can adversely affect the health of men, as they participate in the production of testosterone.

Benefits or Harms of Saturated Fats

The question of their harm remains open, as there is no direct connection with the occurrence of diseases. However, there is a suggestion that if excessive use increases the risk of a number of dangerous diseases.

What can be said in defense of fatty acids

Long enough saturated products "accused of involvement" in the increase in the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Modern dietetics justified them, finding that the presence of palmitic acid and stearin in dairy products in itself does not in any way affect the index of "harmful" cholesterol. The culprit of his increase was recognized as carbohydrates. While their content is low, fatty acids do not represent any harm.

It was also found that with a decrease in carbohydrate intake with a simultaneous increase in the amount of "saturated foods" consumed, there is even a slight increase in the level of "good" cholesterol, which indicates their benefits.

Here it should be noted that at a certain stage of human life this kind of saturated fatty acids becomes simply necessary. It is known that the mother's breast milk is rich in them and is a full-fledged nutrition for the newborn. Therefore, for children and people with weakened health, the use of such products can benefit.

In which cases can they harm

If the daily intake of carbohydrates is more than 4 grams per kilogram of body weight, then you can observe how the saturated fatty acids have a negative effect on health. Examples confirming this fact: palmitic, which is contained in meat, provokes a decrease in insulin activity, stearic acid, which is present in milk products, actively promotes the formation of subcutaneous fat deposits and negatively affects the cardiovascular system.

Here it can be concluded that increasing carbohydrate intake can translate "saturated" foods into a category harmful to health.

Delicious health threat

Characterizing the "produced by nature" saturated fatty acids, the harm of which is not proven, we should also remember about the artificial - hydrogenated, obtained by the method of forced saturation of vegetable fats with hydrogen.

This includes margarine, which, in large part due to its low cost, is actively used: in the production of various confectionery products, all sorts of semi-finished products and in public places for cooking. The use of this product and its derivatives is not good for health. Moreover, it provokes the occurrence of such serious diseases as diabetes, cancer, ischemic heart disease, blockage of blood vessels.

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