HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dark and black coating on the tongue: causes and symptoms of diseases

The language of an absolutely healthy person is pink, and its surface is a homogeneous structure. But, in the event that on it there was any scurf from other color scale, it is a sign of a disease in the body. A yellowish or white surface occurs quite often. This should not cause particular concern. Black plaque on the tongue, as a rule, introduces patients into a shock state, and doctors cause fear.

But, for starters, you need to exclude its simple staining (for example, blueberry berries or candies). Or the main reason is the long-term use of activated charcoal, when its smallest particles simply stick to the tongue, forming the appearance of an unhealthy plaque.

If it is not so, then we outline the following grounds for the appearance:

  1. Black plaque on the tongue is perceived, mainly, as a sign of acidosis, a violation of the acid-base balance, when a significant "skewness" is observed. The main cause of this disease is insufficient intake of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. Especially when the basis of nutrition is made with flour, fatty and carbohydrate food.
  2. Black plaque on the tongue can arise due to slagging of the body with toxins and other harmful substances. Therefore, it is recommended that you "clean" all systems.
  3. Black spots may not appear on the entire surface of the tongue, but in some of its areas. They can become the main symptoms of diseases: the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, or gall bladder. In this case, there is bitterness in the mouth after ingestion of food, as well as dehydration of the whole organism.
  4. Black plaque on the tongue can also appear with some colds, when the temperature rises to a critical level and stays on it for a long time.
  5. The appearance of such an unhealthy shade can become a sign of infection of the oral cavity with a chromogenic fungus. In case of its activation, usually not only the language, but also the teeth, suffers. Dark green pigment spots begin to form on their surface, since chlorophyll acts as the basis of the products of the fungus.

In any case, when black spots occur, you need to undergo a complete examination, take a blood test for biochemistry to determine the final diagnosis.

A dark plaque on the tongue is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The main reasons for its occurrence is the abuse of chemical drugs, or chronic alcoholism.

But especially carefully you need to treat the dark brown spots on the surface of the tongue in the infant. As a rule, this is one of the signals that there are some disorders in its gastrointestinal tract. Usually this is due to the fact that the lure begins to be introduced. The main treatment is the "Linex" and "Bifiform".

But, in the event that they appear in the very language of the baby, this may be the first symptom of having problems with the lungs and bronchial tubes.

Gray plaque on the tongue, as a rule, is a sign of the presence of a chronic disease of the intestine or stomach. As a rule, there is a constant accumulation and "stuck" food. Therefore, if there has never been constipation, then you can be sure that after a while they will appear.

But, regardless of the color of the plaque, special attention should be paid to its thickness. If through it the structure of the language is still visible, the disease is caused by an easy infection and does not cover the entire body. In the case of the presence of a thick, thick plaque, it is most likely the chronic form of any disease.

In any case, only the doctor should prescribe the diagnosis and the treatment system.

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