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How to see prophetic dreams? Is it possible?

It is known that a person spends a third of his life in a dream. This is a very important procedure. At night, plunging into a dream, each of us remains alone with ourselves. At this time, our brain "ponders" information, recalls images from memory, better feels the work of internal organs.

There is an opinion that some dreams and dreams are being conceived by us at the moment of awakening. One more thing is interesting. During sleep, we almost never have doubts about what exactly we see. From this we can conclude that our subconscious is based on faith. By the way, hypnotic sleep - too.

How can dreams tell us the future? Maybe it's just a fantastic vision? And are there any recommendations on how to see prophetic dreams?

How to see prophetic dreams

Everyone knows that Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev dreamed of a periodic system of chemical elements. How did it happen? Do you think he knew some proven way of seeing prophetic dreams? No! This is even easier: Mendeleyev has been thinking and working on this for many years, comprehending the most varied versions of his future system of elements. He could not understand which of them was the most faithful. That's where his subconscious came to help Dmitri Ivanovich. In a dream, this thought clearly manifested itself, which flashed through reality. Just for some reason, it was not possible to concentrate on it.

That's the whole secret of how to see prophetic dreams. Think more, comprehend real reality, read cognitive literature. In a word, work on your subconscious, and from time to time it will "show" you prophetic dreams ...

Dreams and their interpretation

Night vision is taken to be interpreted. Here, say, dream books. What do we know about them? Yes, nothing but a meaningless set of words and phrases, torn from this or that context! Our dreams are made of "pieces" of the past. There is no logic at all and it can not be! And this has nothing to do with the future. And even more so, there is no point in interpreting them with the help of dream books. Do not rush to trust these books. And that's why. First, there are a lot of them, and the information in them can be very different. Secondly, they are groundless. Understand, dream books give the most general representations and information, not considering, for example, who you are on a horoscope, what's your name and so on. The night visions of each person are individual. If we follow the logic of these books, then in our dreams we are all the same, as if under a carbon paper. We can not be universal to such an extent! And it turns out that those images that we see in our dreams, as well as their meaning, were the same for all people in different ages of life and remain so now.

Are many of us so naive that they seriously trust the dream books? This should not be done. First, they list some kind of images that can be seen by us in a dream, and not the meaning of integral visions. Secondly, the dream books themselves are primarily commercial projects. Dreams and their interpretation should at least be combined with other subjects and images of our subconscious.

So you need to understand a very simple thing. Can not give a true representation of individual phrases, much less words torn from the context of dreams. This is a false interpretation. Do not trust the dream-books! Rely on yourself, because our subconscious "shows" the picture to us, and not to the whole world in secret.

Tips that give us dreams are sometimes very useful and important. The most important thing is to explain them correctly, but on their own!

Enjoy your dreams!

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