HealthDiseases and Conditions

Corn on the heel. How to correct it correctly.

The most common phenomenon for every person is callus on the heel. It can appear for various reasons, and in summer there are more than enough. This new sandals and heat, and therefore increased sweating. As a result of friction, a bubble appears under the skin, protecting it from further damage. This is a natural phenomenon for our body, but in some cases it can be quite painful and greatly interfere with walking.

In most situations, small calluses on the heels eventually disappear on their own. But there is always the possibility of their damage, and therefore of disclosure, infection and inflammation. That is why, when they occur, you need to take care of additional precautions, as well as engage in timely treatment.

Traditional medicine provides us with a lot of ways with which you can quickly and easily remove corn on the heel. To begin with it is necessary to prepare a warm bath consisting of sodovo-soap mixture. In two liters of water warmed up to room temperature it is necessary to dissolve thirty grams of usual children's soap and soda ash. Dip into the resulting warm solution of the feet and hold for at least fifteen minutes. After the calluses on the soles of the feet are thoroughly decocted, it is necessary to apply some tar of coniferous trees on them. It can always be purchased at the pharmacy, as well as a special bactericidal adhesive plaster, which must be secured with a compress. You need to do such a bath every two days until the corn disappears completely.

Another effective way to get rid of the callosum on the heels is a lemon, namely, its peeled crust. Prepare the tub with a decoction of chamomile, add a few teaspoons of soda ash and a couple drops of eucalyptus oil. Keep it tired feet before going to bed, and then apply a fresh crust, and fix it with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. This procedure will help not only literally for three days to forget about the calluses on the feet, but also perfectly relax the legs after a hard day's work. In the morning, rip out the leg with the callus repeatedly and rub the hardened pumice place.

No less effective in this situation will be fresh raw potatoes. It must be grinded with a grater and attached to the corn. From above, a piece of film should be applied and the bandaged bandage should be secured with a bandage. On the fourth day, the callus on the heel can easily be removed with pumice.

If you do not want to wait a few days, use the proven method of our ancestors. They took fresh wheat bran and hot milk in equal proportions, they added a little bit of sea buckthorn oil and the resulting mixture thickly covered the callus on the heel. A film and an elastic bandage are superimposed on top. After twenty or thirty minutes, the compress can be removed, and the well-softened corn should be carefully removed. Cleaned from scratchy skin the place should be greased with sea buckthorn oil.

If the corn is still full of liquid, in no case pierce it, and prepare a bath of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The water should be hot enough, and to the resulting pink solution add a tablespoon with a slide of sea salt. The duration of this procedure is not less than fifteen minutes. After it, the corn does not need to be wiped and the more so it is scraped, so as not to damage the still rough surface. Inflammation and pain will pass, and the fluid that has accumulated inside will begin to gradually dissolve.

Calluses are always a test for the feet. To forever forget about them, you need to choose only a comfortable, made of soft materials shoes. No less important factor here is the dryness of the skin. If the callus is too old, you should consult a doctor, as these callosities, as a rule, have a long stem. They are successfully removed by laser and cryotherapy, as well as liquid nitrogen.

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