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Contraindications and useful properties of medlar

Since ancient times, fruit trees and shrubs are famous for their useful properties. The loquat, which grows on a tree from the Pink family, was no exception. These fruits are rightly considered a natural storehouse of vitamins and minerals. And the useful properties of the medlar provide an opportunity to provide the body with the necessary substances, which are rare enough in nature.

What the loquat contains

By its chemical composition, the loquat is very similar to an apple. The energy value of the fetus is relatively small, only forty-seven calories per hundred grams. Due to these properties it belongs to one of the most popular dietary products. Especially good in this respect, the Caucasian medlar proved itself . Useful properties of the fetus are directly related to its chemical composition, which includes the following elements:

  • Sugar and fruit acids;
  • Vitamins P and C;
  • Provitamin A;
  • Phytoncides and pectins;
  • tannins.

How to use loquat

For medical purposes, the Japanese medlar is most often used . Useful properties of its fruits help to normalize the process of digestion and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. In addition, the presence of phytoncides helps to eliminate inflammation in the airways. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to stretch the flesh of the fetus and add honey to it. The resulting mixture helps to clear the lungs of phlegm, as well as cough and shortness of breath. In addition, after its use, breathing is greatly facilitated.

Useful properties of medlars make it possible to use it as a fixative. But for this purpose it is necessary to take unripe fruits. At the same time, fruits that are fully ripe, well purify the body of toxins. Also they are successfully used to get rid of kidney pain and during urolithiasis.

In addition, due to the presence of pectins, the medlar has the ability to remove from the body a number of salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, toxins, etc. If used for a long time to eat this fruit, then it normalizes the activity of the liver and pancreas. That is, in the number of products that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, there is also a loquat. Useful properties and contra-indications of this fruit allow to put it in one row with the most effective medical preparations. And the vitamins contained in the medlar have a beneficial effect on the health of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Leaves medlar

Useful substances are contained not only in the fruit, but also in the leaves of the medlar. As a rule, they are prepared from decoctions and infusions, which are then used to get rid of numerous diseases. So, they are indispensable in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, as well as various kinds of inflammatory airway phenomena.

Bone medlar

Unique characteristics are famous for the bone medlars. Useful properties of seeds are quite unusual. So, if you pre-dry them, and then grind, then the result will be a drink that tastes very much like coffee. And he will also have toning properties due to the presence in it of a large number of useful substances.

How medlar affects the body

A unique combination in the medlar of large quantities of vitamin C and provitamin A provides its beneficial effects on the human body as a whole and its individual systems in particular. So, after taking this fruit, people have normal blood pressure, improves the cardiovascular system, and accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.

Due to its chemical composition, one of the strongest natural antioxidants is a medlar, a fruit whose beneficial properties provide a stimulating effect on the immune system, prevent the development of cancer, and significantly reduce the risk of an infarct or stroke.

It is best to use it fresh, but at the same time, the useful properties of the medlar are not lost during the heat treatment. Therefore, you can prepare from it a variety of sweets, including jams, jams, jam, etc. Even after being processed, the loquat does not lose its qualities, and the dishes from it contribute to the normalization of the digestive system, restore the correct microflora in the intestine, and also remove from Toxins and harmful substances.

Medlar in folk medicine

For a considerable period of time, folk medicine has been actively using such a product as a loquat. Useful properties and contra-indications of this fruit, which some people are familiar with, make it possible to prepare folk remedies that are not inferior in terms of their effectiveness to expensive medications.

So, from the leaves of the medlar you can prepare a decoction, which excellently cleanses the body of toxins. To do this, take a large spoonful of dry leaves, place them in a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. After three hours, the liquid should be filtered, and the resulting broth should be consumed fifty grams twenty minutes before meals. Such a cleansing course is recommended to be performed once every three to four months for two weeks.

In addition, the useful properties of medlar are indispensable during diarrhea. In this case, you need to prepare a decoction using the above scheme. But this time it should be much more concentrated - a large spoonful of leaves should be filled with two hundred grams of boiling water. Two large spoons of the product should be consumed twenty minutes before meals. In most cases, even severe diarrhea ceases after two doses.

The loquat is also known for its ability to stop internal bleeding. To do this, you need to use fifty grams of decoction of leaves after each meal. In case of ulceration, the regimen of taking the medicine is slightly different: the patient needs in the morning to drink on an empty stomach three large spoonfuls of decoction no later than thirty minutes before breakfast. In addition, the fresh leaves medlars are an excellent means to stop even very heavy bleeding. To do this, they must be applied to the cut or wound for several minutes.

With catarrhal diseases, folk medicine actively uses such a time-tested tool as a loquat - a fruit whose useful properties make it possible to overcome chronic bronchitis, and in some cases even asthma. To prepare a medicine, you need to take four ripe fruit, remove the bones from them, and turn the pulp into gruel. Bones should be crushed, then add the resulting powder to the pulp and mix well. In the resulting mixture, you need to add one hundred grams of vodka, then pour into a glass jar with a lid and put it for three days in a dark place. After the specified time, the infusion is filtered and one large spoon is used before each meal.

Medicinal forms medlar

There is not so much fruit that can be fully used in medicine. However, the medlar undoubtedly belongs to their number. Useful properties of fruits make it possible to prepare from them a variety of tinctures for alcohol and broths. In addition, this product is widely used in cooking for cooking jam, jelly, compote, etc.

As for the seeds, one can obtain medicinal powder from them, which is also used with great success to treat a wide range of diseases. Leaves medlars go to the preparation of medicinal broths and infusions. They need to be harvested in August, while the best period for collecting fruits is autumn.

In what cases is it not recommended to use a loquat

It is undesirable to use a medication for people suffering from peptic ulcer. Especially it concerns her immature fruits. In addition, it is contraindicated in diseases of the pancreas. People who suffer from gastritis are also not recommended to include it in their diet.

There should be some caution when introducing the medlar in the children's menu. In principle, it can be given to kids from one year. But you need to strictly adhere to the following rule: at first do not give the child more than one fruit a day, because the use of the fetus in large quantities can cause allergies. In any case, children need to limit its use to a maximum of two fruits a day. Then as an adult you can eat four fruits.

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