Food and drinkRecipes

Colostrum is ... How to cook colostrum

Urban residents need to clarify what is colostrum. It is a product that even peasants rarely spoil themselves and their children. And why? Yes, because this product appears not always, but only a few days before and a week after the lambing of livestock. A thick, sticky, vanilla-colored liquid that the newborn calf, goat or lamb sucks from the mother sucks, and is called colostrum. The benefits of this product can not be said. After all, the first days of life of a small creature are the most critical for him. And the useful substances contained in the colostrum, perfectly nourish, saturate the newborn, and at the same time create the so-called passive immunity - protection against all infectious diseases that the mother has had. In this article, we will review the characteristics of the product, as well as how to prepare colostrum. Since it is a rare visitor on the shelves of the dairy market, we will also give a recipe for a dessert, the taste of which is as close as possible to natural.

What happens colostrum

The mammalian female organism begins to develop a special secret before the birth of labor. In Latin it is called colostrum gravidarum, but Kazakhs - recognized docks in the field of animal husbandry - call it "uyz". Shepherds divide the product into three types, depending on the time elapsed after delivery. Black colostrum is a nada immediately after lambing. Yellow - milk, which is obtained after the first feeding of the newborn. This product is considered a great delicacy for Kazakhs. It is boiled and served as a curd sauce for boiled meat. And, finally, white colostrum. So all the subsequent milk yields are called up to about ten days after birth. If the white cow's colostrum is boiled, it will turn into a soft, slightly sweetish curd. Below we will tell you how to prepare a delicious dessert from this milk predecessor. But first consider the qualitative characteristics of this food product.

Colostrum: benefit and harm

The very evolution of mammals predetermined the priceless qualities of this product. Newborn animals gain weight and stand on their feet in the very first days of their lives. In the thick liquid that they suck, there are a lot of proteins and serum albumins. At the same time in colostrum there is less lactose and fat than in milk. And consequently, this product does not cause allergies. In colostrum, there are all vitamins necessary for health plus the so-called "growth factors". Antitoxins and immunoglobulins create invisible protection for a small creature. In colostrum there are so many proteins, interferons and endorphins that this product is used as an additive in the nutrition of athletes. The precursor of milk helps to quickly build muscle mass, regenerate damaged tissue, strengthen immunity. Therefore colostrum is prescribed for people who are weakened by diseases or traumas. In addition, the product found and enzymes that help to easily assimilate fats. They enrich the flora of the intestine, trigger the digestive system of the newborn. Thus, colostrum is the real elixir of life. And what about harm? It has not been revealed yet. Is that people who are obsessed with maintaining harmony, we must remember that the caloric value of yellow colostrum is 160 kcal. The nutritional value of the white product is reduced to 130 kcal per hundred grams.

Whose colostrum is better

Sheep farming in our country is poorly developed . And in Ukraine, from the "first milk" make a very delicious cheese - a vurd. From brynza this product differs cream color and a delicate, rich taste. Sheep colostrum is a storehouse of nutrients. In a goat, normal milk appears only three to five days after lambing. A short period of colostrum release also makes this product scarce. But not less valuable. It contains all the vitamins, immune bodies, globulins, proteins. But goat colostrum is quite unpleasant in taste. Some people freeze it, and then take it as a medicine. Because of the large amount of protein goat colostrum can be fried. Will not taste bad "scrambled eggs." Great demand in our country for cow colostrum. It is not only that useful, but also incredibly tasty. You can just drink it like fresh milk. But peasants have long prepared a delicious dessert from it, baking a product in a Russian stove with sugar and eggs.

Colostrum: the recipe of our grandmothers

In January or February, the peasant farmsteads were usually visited by a village. And colostrums appeared colostrum. It meant that the local kids waited all week for a treat. On the first day of the appearance of the calf, the mistress mixed the morning, afternoon and evening milk yields. It turned out one and a half or two liters of colostrum. First, the hostess whipped eggs (five to six pieces) with a glass of sugar and a pinch of salt. She did it with a handful, without a mixer. You can repeat its actions with the help of an electric kitchen assistant and even add a sachet of vanillin together with sugar - for taste. Then we pour colostrum into the mass. Again we work as a whisk or a mixer, but without fanaticism. Then the hostess poured the resulting mass into a pot and put it in a heated Russian oven. The taste of delicacies can be varied. If you hold in the oven for about fifteen minutes, you get a delicate souffle. Half-hourly heat treatment will turn colostrum into a kind of biscuit.

Cooking dessert in a modern kitchen

Is colostrum really a treat available only for the owners of the Russian oven? No, it can be cooked in a conventional gas or electric oven. And even in the bakery! What is needed for this? The same traditional set of products. We'll take eggs with sugar, vanillin and a pinch of salt. We pour into the cow cow's milk. The recipe suggests us to take advantage of a thick-walled cast iron or a frying pan with high walls. Attention: the mass of baking will increase by about a third, so you need to take a dish of the appropriate size. The most important thing in the preparation of dessert in the oven is a well-heated oven. The temperature should be kept at a level of 180-200 degrees, so that the proteins contained in the colostrum immediately "grab". Bake a dessert follows from half an hour. We check the readiness with a luster, as in a conventional test. The biscuit will have a cream crust, and a porous structure will be visible on the cut.

If the colostrum is small

Since this product is rare, it is difficult to get hold of it (especially urban residents). But if we have got at least a liter of colostrum, we can cook a large amount of dessert. However, the recipe is slightly different from the traditional one. After all, we make up for the lack of colostrum with regular milk. It is better to use farm, whole, with a minimum of technical treatments and chemical additives. Mix both products: colostrum, milk - in proportion one to two. We set aside at room temperature. We now turn to beating eggs. But the proportions are different. For a liter of colostrum and two liters of milk, we take the same six eggs, but mix them with a kilogram of sugar. Whisk until smooth. Mix with the liquid component. Bake without a lid in a preheated to 180 degree oven for about an hour.

Dessert "Colostrum" from the store milk

What if I do not get a valuable product at all? How to cook colostrum from normal milk? In this regard, the proverb "gol on inventions of art" is appropriate. Here are two recipes for preparing a delicious caramel dessert without colostrum. We'll need condensed milk. It is on its quality that the success of the business depends directly. It should not be boiled. In addition, without vegetable fats. Check on the label if the product meets the GOST. So, the recipe number 1. Five or six chicken eggs lightly beat with a fork. We raise them with a liter of regular shop milk and a can of condensed milk. We knead it. We put the saucepan in the oven heated to 250 degrees. There we keep an hour and a half or a little less.

Another recipe

Preparation of colostrum by this method is not much different from the previous one. Just the proportions are somewhat different. The taste will be more like an egg souffle. It will take the same amount of condensed milk - one pot. Milk take a little more - 1.25 liters. But we will not regret the eggs: we take a dozen. Mix the ingredients. We bake a souffle at 250 degrees without a lid until golden-browned (about two hours). After the dessert has cooled, transfer it into the refrigerator.

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