Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Cocktail for losing weight at home - tasty and useful!

How can you easily lose weight, but still get an incomparable pleasure? You do not need expensive cosmetics, going to a beauty salon and even grueling physical training! Do you think that this is impossible? You are mistaken, a cocktail for losing weight at home contributes to the acquisition of a good figure. How to operate such cocktails, as well as recipes for their preparation, we will consider in this article.

Slimming cocktail at home is not difficult to prepare, but it is desirable to have a powerful blender and juicer. They can easily chop any greens and solid fruits.

Cocktails for weight loss at home are becoming increasingly popular among people who care about their health. They are an excellent addition to sports loads, you can even say that this is an essential component of proper nutrition.

Drinks for weight loss at home can be cooked very simply - this process takes only a few minutes a day, but you will be assured of the quality and naturalness of the products. Is not it wonderful to enjoy freshly squeezed juice without any additives and preservatives? Only such a cocktail for weight loss at home will bring you benefits and fill your body with a charge of energy and vivacity.

Of course, the choice of products should be approached with special care. Fruits that began to deteriorate are already infected with putrefactive bacteria and are not suitable for incorporating them into a slimming cocktail at home. At the same time, they must be fully ripened - in such fruits contains the maximum amount of juice. The berries can be slightly crushed, but it is very important that they do not have mold and rot.

Here are some popular recipes.

Berry drink with celery

- any fresh berries (frozen products do not retain all the useful properties);

- stalked celery ;

- 1 liter of water;

- greens of lettuce.

Carrot cocktail with apple sauce

- young carrots;

- apple juice (freshly squeezed);

- cinnamon.

Air curd cocktail

- homogeneous curd mass (9% of fat content);

- finely chopped green parsley and dill;

- kefir (3% fat content).

You will help in the preparation of these drinks blender and juicer. With them, this process will take quite a bit of time.

One of the main products that help in the fight against excess weight is apple cider vinegar. You can find it in the store, but on an industrial scale it undergoes heat treatment and loses most of its useful properties. Therefore, it is best to cook it yourself from freshly squeezed apple juice. Add it should be one tablespoon per cocktail glass.

Exclude sugar from drinks, it is better to replace it with sweet fruit or honey. Use salt in minimum quantities. Do not forget about the wonderful fat-burning properties of spices: ginger, cinnamon and cloves will give the cocktail spicy notes.

You can come up with your own recipe by combining various fruits, vegetables and berries in combination with spices and herbs. The latter works like a whisk, cleaning our intestines and fighting slags, while we enjoy the excellent taste of a healthy drink.

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