HealthDiseases and Conditions

Black language: causes, treatment

Healthy people can boast a rosy shade of the tongue. But a touch of a different color already indicates the presence in the human body of a disease. Yellow or whitish shades occur frequently, and with them everything is clear, but the black tongue introduces into the stupor not only the patient, but also the doctor.

In past times, the explanation for this phenomenon was one - cholera. But modern doctors associate such a color of the tongue with a disease such as acidosis. In simple terms, this is a violation of the acid-base balance in the direction of increased acidity. In most cases, there is acidosis due to lack of consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, from boundless love for flour and fatty foods.

If there is a black tongue, whose causes are in the disease "acidosis", then we can talk about such factors as the accumulation of toxins, toxins or other similar substances in the body. To eliminate the problem, various cleansing from slags and mandatory disposal of excess weight are recommended.

There can be a black language, the reasons for the color of which are hidden in the use of a specific product. That is, the language is simply painted. Dyed can be blueberries, activated charcoal, chemical paints used in the production of products.

Black coating on the tongue: causes

Official medicine connects this fact with intestinal pathologies. It may also be about violations in the gallbladder or pancreas. If such a diagnosis is correct, then the patient, as a rule, feels bitter taste in the mouth after eating. He can suffer from dehydration of the body. The doctor for the examination appoints blood tests, and then puts a more accurate diagnosis.

There is a black tongue, the causes of such a shade of which are determined by the acute form of various diseases. For example, a cold with a strong temperature increase in a few days can become a provocateur or other ailments.

Another reason for this phenomenon is the chromogenic fungus. If he is in the active stage of life, then not only the tongue, but also the teeth, on which the pigmentation of the dark green color is manifested, can suffer. This is due to the fact that the fungus secretes chlorophyll as a product of its vital activity. With this disease, the best prevention is good oral hygiene.

Diseases of the tongue: treatment

Other disturbing symptoms may be black growths in the tongue, spots of red and white, blushing grooves, nodules, wet wounds. Most often, spots in the language, similar to a geographical map, appear as a congenital symptom. And the tongue begins to blacken because of the increase in certain very sensitive cells (filiform papillae). Often, a black language, the causes of which can not be determined, can not be cured.

Can change its color this organ because of taking antibiotics. It becomes the same as soon as a person stops taking medication.

"Geographic" language is not treated. If there are deep grooves on the surface, then the doctor prescribes iron-containing preparations. If a cancer of the tongue is detected, then surgery is necessary, then the patient undergoes a course of radiation therapy.

In any case, the color of the tongue, other than pink, speaks of problems inside the body, so the therapist's advice (and the dentist) will not interfere.

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