HealthDiseases and Conditions

Begins to peel skin on the face: what to do about it?

The skin of the face is considered to be the most open area of the body, and consequently, exposed to cold and wind, sun and heat. It's no wonder that most women regularly get stuck with the problem of its dryness or excessive fat content. In the cold season, especially in windy weather, the skin on the face begins to peel , which requires additional care.

But not only weather conditions can cause this problem, therefore before taking action, it is necessary to find out the specific reason for this state of affairs. Most often, peeling of the skin of the face is a consequence of the prolonged use of soap, which too dries it. As a rule, the owners of dry skin type this situation occurs regularly. Modern cosmetology is quite developed and can offer a wide range of products intended for face washing, they usually contain herbal decoctions or have a cream texture.

Many people begin to peel skin on the face due to improper care for it, including negligent treatment after washing. Using the right remedy is not enough to calm the skin. A rigid face towel can only develop the process of peeling. After washing, use a soft towel, gently wet your face to remove excess moisture. Do not rub them with effort, as this will only do harm.

In any case, it is worthwhile to contact a qualified cosmetologist who can give detailed advice if the face is peeling: what to do with this problem and what precautions should be taken. For example, in winter or in windy weather it is necessary to take special care of the skin. For an hour and a half or two hours before going out, you should use a cream of a dense fatty texture, and after the return - with a moisturizing lotion or mousse.

In case of emergency, it is worth buying a small tube of petroleum jelly, which lays down a dense layer and protects the skin from external factors. Eliminate the effects of allergies is impossible without the appropriate appointment of a doctor, so you will have to undergo a short course of treatment.

If the skin begins to peel on the face, you can use some recipes of traditional medicine. Sometimes they are very effective and give a positive effect after the first procedure. Various oils and honey differ in their nutritional and moisturizing properties. You can prepare a mask, based on a teaspoon of honey and as much any oil, for example, olive, peach or grape. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin of the face for 15 minutes, then with gentle massage movements remove the remnants.

As a night cream is good to use natural remedy. Preparation of "home" cream will take a little time, but the effect will please even the most fastidious lady. So, in the basis take the softened butter, add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of banana. Mix all the ingredients and apply to the face. We give our cream soak the skin and after 20 minutes with warm water we remove the leftovers.

When the skin begins to peel on the face, the woman experiences considerable discomfort, feeling imperfect. The best means at all times was considered mayonnaise, and it equally well nourishes both the skin and hair. But modern manufacturers add various flavor enhancers and preservatives to their products, so "useful mayonnaise" will have to be done by yourself. It is enough just to mix the yolk with vegetable oil (no more than a tablespoon) to get a mixture of white.

But it is better not to allow the appearance of unpleasant consequences and timely care for the skin. Well, if all the above proposed methods were powerless, then only the doctor of the appropriate qualification can correct the situation.

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