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Norm of a hormone TTG: the reasons of deviations or rejections and when to sound alarm?

TTG (thyroid-stimulating hormone) plays an extremely important role in the work of all systems and organs of the body, it is responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. And what is the norm of the hormone TTG and under what conditions can deviations occur?

What is the hormone TSH?

Before talking about specific standards and deviations, it is worthwhile to understand what the hormone TSH is. So, TTG is a special hormone that is produced in the fore parts of a specific area of the brain, namely the pituitary gland. He is responsible for the way in which an important thyroid gland will function. This hormone stimulates the production of the other two - T3 and T4, which are responsible for many metabolic processes, as well as for the digestive, sexual and cardiovascular system. So it is difficult to overestimate the role of TSH in the human body.

Hormone TTG: the norms

What is the norm of the hormone TTG? It is different in age categories. So, for newborns the value from 1 to 17 mU / l is normal. In children not older than 2-3 months, the content of this hormone is from 0.6 to about 10, in children older than 2-3 months the indicator decreases and should be approximately 0.5-7.1 mU / l. From one and a half to five years, the normal value should be about 0.4-6.1 mU / l. In children from the age group up to 14 years, the TSH content is 0.5-5.1 mU, and in adolescents older than 14 years (as in adults) 0.5-4.1 mU is contained. During pregnancy, the norm for women decreases and ranges from 0.2-0.4 to 3.4 mU / L.

Abnormalities: causes and symptoms

In what cases should I donate blood to TSH, what symptoms should alert me?

1. Hormonal disorders, for example, increased prolactin levels.

2. Sharp and abrupt changes in body temperature.

3. Absence of menstruation in women.

4. Infertility or difficulty with conception.

5. Goiter.

6. Problems in the work of the muscular system.

Now it is worth mentioning the cases in which the hormone TSH can be exceeded:

  • Postoperative period (with surgical interventions that directly affected the thyroid gland).
  • Cancer or tumors of the thyroid gland.
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland, in some cases of the lungs, of the mammary glands.
  • Overdose of drugs that have thyreostatic effects.
  • Thyroiditis.
  • Intensive exercise.
  • Poisoning by toxins.

And in what cases the level of the hormone TSH will be lowered?

  • With a problem with the pituitary gland (death of its cells or a decrease in function).
  • With Plummer's disease.
  • In the presence of benign formations in the thyroid gland.
  • When taking hormonal drugs (especially uncontrolled).
  • With stress, depression.
  • With toxic poisoning.


Now you know what the hormone TSH should be . If you find any anxiety symptoms you need to submit an analysis. This requires special preparation. For example, a week or two before the procedure, you should stop smoking and physical exertion, as well as taking hormonal drugs and drugs that affect the immediate functions of the thyroid gland. The analysis is given in the morning, on an empty stomach. In conclusion, we can add that, in the absence of treatment, serious thyroid problems threaten to seriously undermine all health in general.

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