HealthAlternative Medicine

Red Rowanberry: good and bad for our health

Rowan is widely known all over the world. From time immemorial, it was considered a symbol of the feminine principle, the birth of a new life and family well-being. Rowan can protect from evil eye, magical magic and scare away illness. In the house, decorated with magnificent clusters, peace, prosperity and happiness will certainly reign. The branches of the mountain ash, embroidered with embroidery by the hands of needlewomen, lay down in a bizarre ornament on shirts and towels, decorated with household utensils and the walls of the dwelling.

Rowan always was given a place of honor in rituals, songs and fairy tales were written about her, as often as possible tried to plant a green beauty near her house, so that she would protect the family from troubles and misfortunes. Our great-grandfathers knew very well that in the treatment of many diseases red rosary would be an excellent assistant. The benefits and harms of the fruits of this wonderful tree were well known for many centuries, they were carefully studied and passed from old to small, but today they have successfully reached us.

Rowan in our days

Let in the modern world the newest technologies and medicine and step by leaps and bounds, but deserved recognition of many people still has not lost the red mountain ash. The benefits and harms of a wonderful plant have been explored as much as possible, often in today's medicines include extracts from red berries. Cosmetology also did not stand aside, rowan can be part of cosmetic creams and lotions.

And, of course, to this day the red mountain ash is popular in cooking. Recipes allow you to cook almost anything from it. It's sweet marmalade and pastille, fillings for desserts. From it prepare a fragrant wine and liquors, side dishes and sauces to meat dishes - in all is good rowan. A photo of jam from red berries is able to conquer any sweet tooth. By the way, there was another application for rowan trees - from solid and solid wood, they began to make beautiful furniture and decor items.

Disinfectant and antifungal

Useful properties of mountain ash red are successfully used in the treatment of many diseases. In folk medicine, ripe berries are used in different ways. Sometimes they are collected and simply frozen, they are cooked with jam or tinctured. But more often it is used ashberry (red) dried, it is also used for cooking tinctures, decoctions or added to compotes. The taste of fresh berries does not suit everyone, rowan is bitter due to the sorbic acid contained in it. But it easily collapses under the influence of cold, so it is after such treatment that the mountain ash becomes truly delicious.

You should know that sorbic acid is a natural preservative, because fresh ground berries are used to fight fungi and to stop bleeding. Thanks to its composition, even a fierce enemy like staphylococcus or salmonellosis, red ruffin can repel. The benefits and harms of such a wonderful plant do not end there.

Raises immunity and normalizes metabolism

In mountain ash, high content of vitamin C, because it is used in the treatment of scurvy. And also ascorbic acid - an indispensable element for the normal work of our chief defender - immunity. In folk medicine, rowan is used as a diuretic and diaphoretic. The vitamins and phytoncides contained in the berries will be quickly put on your feet if you have a cold. And they contain nicotinic acid, it helps to work well for our nervous system, it can reduce irritability, fatigue after a hard day and help to fall asleep.

Useful for diabetes, lower cholesterol

The fruits contain xylitol and carotene, that is, rowan can serve as a substitute for sugar. It is also useful for cores, relieves swelling, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, and helps with anemia. At increased pressure, it is recommended to eat a few berries, but do not overdo it, otherwise the effect will be directly opposite.

In case of problems with kidneys or digestion

Decoction of berries will help clear the liver and kidneys, has a choleretic and diuretic effect. The fruits of mountain ash have astringent and mild laxative properties. It is also useful for asthenia, gout, hemorrhoids and oncological diseases red mountain ash. Benefits and harms of berries are due to properly selected treatment. If you are experiencing an exacerbation of the disease, be sure to consult a doctor, because contraindications to mountain ash also has.

Useful substances and calorie content

Grapes of mountain ash contain: carbohydrates and proteins, organic acids and fats, pectin, fiber, ashes, manganese, zinc, iron and copper. The berries are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B9), ascorbic acid, retinol, E, PP and P. are present in the fruits. But not only the generosity of useful elements will be pleased with elastic berries, the calorific value of mountain ash per 100 grams is slightly more than 40 kcal. Therefore, it can be safely attributed to dietary products, which means that it can become a favorite among those who watch their figure.


It is worth remembering that mountain ash has contraindications. Caution should be exercised for people with coronary heart disease who have suffered a stroke or heart attack, those with increased blood coagulability. Hypertonics and people with high acidity should not overeat rowan, otherwise it will go to the detriment. Also remember that almost all products can provoke an individual intolerance. And this also applies to mountain ash.

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