Sports and FitnessOutdoor Sports

How many it is necessary to walk?

In recent years, a healthy lifestyle has begun to acquire special popularity: people began to follow themselves, play sports, eat right and so on. However, it should pay attention to the fact that not everyone has decided to change their approach to life, therefore there are plenty of people who do not do anything other than the usual lazy cases. Unfortunately, at the moment there are even a majority. But the most terrible thing is that many of them do not even suspect that they are doing something wrong. They just live a normal life, but even if you spend a little experiment and see how many they manage to walk on foot during the day, the results can unpleasantly surprise. That is why it is very important for every person to think about the state of his health and what he can do to improve it. Special diets, physical exercises and other measures are important, no doubt, but still the very first and most ordinary step should be walking. Walking is very important, and many people do not suspect how little they walk.


When it comes to walking, people immediately have the question: how much does it take to walk so that it has a positive effect on health? In this case, the answer to search for a long time will not be necessary, since it is universal and has been known for more than fifty years. The standard daily rate of steps for a person is ten thousand a day, so you will have to try your best to achieve this result. Naturally, this is not as simple as it may seem at first glance, but at the same time there is nothing complicated in this. If you are used to leading a sedentary lifestyle, then you will have to try hard. About how to most effectively do this, will be told a little later. In the meantime, it is worth considering with one interesting question: why do you need to walk ten thousand steps? This mystery tormented many people who hear about this rule, so it's time to reveal its secret.

History of the norm

If you are interested in how many it is necessary to walk on foot every day, then you have already received an answer: ten thousand steps are the optimal norm for the average person. But where did this figure come from? What research has been done to reach this number? In fact, no studies were initially conducted, just in the mid-sixties, when the first pedometer appeared in Japan, it was given the name manpo-kay, which, in Japanese, means "ten thousand steps". As it turns out, this indicator is only a marketing move, with the help of an attractive large figure, manufacturers wanted to draw attention to their creation, and they succeeded. Since then, pedometers have begun to be made everywhere, and today they can be purchased anywhere and in various configurations.

Modern research

But it is worthwhile to understand that only because of the name of the device of fifty years ago it is unlikely that the whole world would be guided by this indicator. So why, if you are trying to figure out if it's useful to walk, do you need to set a bar for yourself in ten thousand steps?

It turns out that over time, various studies were conducted, which confirmed that this rule miraculously turned out to be ideal for the average person. One of the recent experiments, conducted just over five years ago, attracted about 250,000 participants, and in his course it was again found that the passage of ten thousand steps a day has a very positive effect on human health.

Thus, there is no doubt about whether to walk. Sport can be a great way to build muscle, increase stamina, develop other physical skills, but walking should be the basis of your life, especially given that now more than half of people work sitting in their chairs eight hours a day, and at home continue Sit behind a TV or computer.


Of course, you will not walk all day on the street, figuring out in your mind how many steps you did. Fortunately, now you can easily buy yourself a special device, which we discussed above - a pedometer. It is he who will help you count down how many it is necessary to walk on foot in a day. Depending on the model, it can be worn on the wrist, fastened on the chest or on the waist, and just be in your pocket, purse and so on. Moreover, different models can offer different sets of functions. And if the simplest pedometer considers only steps, then more advanced models can take your pulse, average speed and many other aspects. A pedometer is an obligatory thing in the household of every person, so if you are going to lead a healthy lifestyle, then you need to acquire one so that you can imagine how many steps you take each day.

Creating a program

You have finally figured out how many people should walk on foot per day, but now you need to understand how to achieve this ideal. It is clear that sports people or those who work not in the office, most likely, and already every day reach this level. But what to do to those who are not used to such physical stress? In this case, the development of the simplest program helps very well. In accordance with it, you need to take measurements every day after buying a pedometer, without trying to achieve a specific goal, that is, pacing exactly as much as usual. This should be done within two weeks, fixing your indicators. Then you can calculate the average indicator of the number of steps per day, and here you can start working on yourself. Every day (or every two to three days, depending on your physical form), add five hundred steps to the initial score, until you reach the coveted mark of ten thousand. And from now on all you need to do is always to maintain the level you have reached.


Many pedometers are equipped with one more function - the count of the staircases passed for the day. And this is no accident, since this kind of activity is extremely important and incredibly useful. Therefore, you either need to purchase a similar pedometer with an additional function, or you can count the daily staircases yourself, fortunately, it's easier to do than count the steps, as for the day you need to overcome only ten spans. You can start with a smaller indicator, and then, as in the case of walking, gradually increase the amount.

Simplify the task

Many people, having seen a figure of ten thousand steps ahead of them, are surprised and even fall into despair: how can they achieve such a result? But do not be scared, because there is always the opportunity to do useful, combining it with the pleasant. Do you like to shop? So why not use this to your advantage, because a walk through the outlet can also add to you an impressive number of steps, especially if it is a large hypermarket. In addition, you can always go for a walk with an interesting person, for a conversation with which on the move time will fly by unnoticed. If you do not have a walk with someone, then you can record your favorite music on the player, which will brighten up the pastime.

Final Tips

Walking is the foundation of your health, so do your best to fulfill the norm of ten thousand steps daily. But at the same time, always watch your health, do not overload yourself, do not ignore shortness of breath or pain in muscles or joints, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

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