HealthDiseases and Conditions

Acclimatization. Symptoms of its manifestation.

History can be started from the ancient centuries, when the ancestors of each of us, having settled on the territory that they liked, gradually began to get used to the local climate, food and other conditions, which are characteristic only of these vast spaces. But now, in our modern time of globalization, people tend to travel and travel, and for considerable distances. And here, in new places, they are waited by absolutely new climate, other food, traditions and, of course, acclimatization.

Symptoms of it can be both long and take a piece in a few days. In general, it is believed that this process takes place within two weeks, exacerbating the third, seventh and tenth day of stay in a foreign country. But each person has his own individual organism, and what can take several days in a young active and full-strength age is much more difficult to overcome by an elderly person or a fragile child organism.

There are several ways to solve this problem. To begin with, it is worth preparing for such a not-so-pleasant process as acclimatization, the symptoms of which are manifested even more vividly, the weaker the protection of the organism, subject to heavy workload and rapid flight. Therefore, it is just necessary to start taking a good vitamin complex at least a week before the commencement of the trip, and an additional dose of vitamin C should be added to them. It is recommended to drink the entire course, including the rest time and the period of reactivation for at least seven days. Be sure to reduce the work load a few days before the start of the trip, give the body the opportunity to relax and stock up with new forces, stroll as often as possible in the fresh air, which is the best way to strengthen immunity, and therefore prepare for an event such as acclimatization . Its symptoms are diverse. Often, after a flight on an airplane, accompanied by drafts from air conditioners or an unpleasant coolness in the cabin, there may be sensations of chills, a cold and a sore throat. Of course, in a liner filled with a wide variety of passengers, there is a risk of catching a viral infection, but most likely these are the first signs of acclimatization. Such symptoms will disappear as soon as your internal clock adapts to a new life rhythm. And there is nothing to be done here, as acclimatization of a person is a normal process, to which most of the inhabitants of our planet are exposed.

The beginning of profuse sweating during a trip to hot countries is a sign that acclimatization takes place in the body. Symptoms are expressed in the increase in heart rate and shortness of breath. Such conditions can be alleviated with the help of mineral water. Quite a frequent problem vacationers for the first time in a given country is a digestive system disorder. Usually, the traveler immediately wants to try everything that an exotic country only offers him and this is the biggest mistake. The body is trying to adapt to the new, often too unusual for him environment, and he simply does not have enough strength to digest exotic dishes. Therefore, in the first few days, you should limit your taste needs and try to take only food tested by the body in the usual conditions. This also applies to the purchase of familiar and unfamiliar fruits "with hands" on the street. If they were incised, they could easily get "foreign microbes", which became for the body a new cause of a surge in acclimatization. It's worth keeping away from anything unusual and unusual for the stomach for two or three days, and only after feeling that there are no more reasons for fears, to begin to try a local table.

Remember that the signs of acclimatization are the usual symptoms of preparing the body for a climate unfamiliar to it, which can be greatly facilitated by observing the necessary rules, taking vitamin complexes and making the necessary vaccinations before the trip.

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