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Pancreas hurt, what should I do? Where it hurts, which hurts and how to relieve pain

The task of the pancreas is to provide the body with pancreatic juice. The content of 4 enzymes in it promotes the digestion and cleavage of carbohydrate (the main task), protein and fatty foods. Pancreatic juice is released in large quantities - up to 4 liters, and its composition depends on what the person ate. In the pancreas, there is a synthesis of hormones: glucagon, insulin and somatostatin.

The pancreas and digestive tract are closely related. It produces hormones that affect the functioning of the gland. Disturbances in the pancreas can provoke the disease. Acute pancreatitis, which changes in the absence of treatment to chronic, threatens with frequent attacks, pain, diabetes can develop.

In the case of pancreatic disease, an inflammatory process develops, which is acute or chronic. The balance of hormones is broken, food is no longer digested and digested in full, which entails negative processes:

• Fat deposition not only from the outside, but also inside the body;

• Protein deficiency occurs, which leads to heart muscle dystrophy ;

• normal blood circulation is disrupted;

• There is a shortage of carbohydrates, which can lead to the fact that the brain cells suffer (up to the death).

How to determine what pancreas hurts, what to do to relieve pain

The nature of pain in case of pancreatic disease can be localized in a certain area of the abdomen. Few people have an idea of the exact location of the pancreas, so ask where the pancreas hurts.

  1. Pain most often occurs where the navel is located in the upper abdomen. When the pancreas hurts, what to do will tell the intensity of the pain, its strength and character. When it hurts in one place, the pain is dull or aching, then, perhaps, the disease is a chronic disease. In the event that it hurts not only the abdomen, but also the back and the waist, a burning pain as it encircles the body, then, perhaps, this is an aggravation of the disease and urgent help is needed.
  2. During an attack of pancreatitis, there may be, in addition to pain, nausea, painful swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. There may be vomiting, after which a person does not feel relief. The pain is constant and does not pass quickly. Sometimes diarrhea is possible.
  3. How to reduce an attack, help when the pancreas hurts. What to do:
  • To kneel and lean against both elbows at the same time, this pose relieves pain;
  • When an unpleasant feeling or attack arises, one does not need to eat;
  • On the stomach, near the navel (with a shift slightly to the left), put ice (or a cold wet towel). The situation, when the patient lies on his back, intensifies the pain;
  • You can take a decoction of a mixture of herbs, consisting of dill, hawthorn, immortelle and chamomile.  

What can contribute to the development of the disease and trigger an attack

When asked why the pancreas hurts and what can cause pain, there may be several answers. A disease such as pancreatitis can occur if there are:

  • Overeating and overweight. Consumption of food saturated with fat;
  • Increased use of alcohol and smoking;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Disease of the digestive tract and digestive organs;
  • The presence of viruses and parasites in the body;
  • Violation of blood circulation;
  • Age-related changes in the gland;
  • The period of long-term use of drugs (hormonal and tetracycline group);
  • Complications after viral infections.

You can not ignore the symptoms and signs that the pancreas hurts. What to do? First of all, try to relieve the pain. It is especially worth emphasizing that this is a very serious disease, which in no case should not be ignored. It is necessary to go through all the necessary examinations and the prescribed course of treatment to prevent further development of the disease.

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