HealthDiseases and Conditions

Oxygen starvation

Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) has recently appeared more often. Experts attribute the development of the disease to various causes.

First, oxygen starvation, of course, occurs in people living in large metropolitan areas. The appearance of a large number of personal and public transport significantly reduces the content of pure, oxygen-rich air.

Oxygen starvation is also felt by people who spend working hours mainly in stuffy, unventilated rooms, in numerous offices and shops where there are no air conditioning systems.

Hypoxia can also develop as a result of a stressful situation. As a result of nervous overstrain, the normal supply of blood to oxygen is disturbed.

Indirect reasons for the development of hypoxia include alcohol and smoking.

When signs of a condition appear, you need to give your body timely help. Lack of oxygen helps to reduce the growth and development of cells. When hypoxia occurs, they die. It should be noted that, first of all, hypoxia is reflected in the state of the skin.

Many experts consider one of the reasons for the development of cancer pathologies inadequate supply of oxygen in the tissue. As a result, toxins accumulate in the body. When violations of metabolic processes caused by hypoxia, the release of harmful substances is difficult.

Oxygen starvation. Symptoms.

The main signs of hypoxia are a feeling of constant drowsiness and fatigue throughout the body, developing dull headache, apathy, worsening of mental reactions and memory, restlessness during sleep, decreased activity in sexual terms.

Specialists in the field of medicine share oxygen starvation in four types. Hypoxia can be:

- tissue;

- circulatory;

- a natural change in pressure;

- against the background of violations in the blood supply system.

Prolonged hypoxia can trigger the development of bronchial asthma. With an insufficient supply of oxygen to the blood in the brain, there is a risk of ischemic stroke. Hypoxia can be a consequence of a shock situation, cardiovascular insufficiency, complete transverse cardiac blockade, asphyxia of various origin and poisoning with carbon monoxide. Oxygen starvation of the brain is also a complication in operations on the main vessels and the heart and in the early stages of the postoperative period. At the same time, different mental changes and neurological syndromes can develop. It should be noted that prevalent cerebral symptoms, diffuse disruption of the functions of the central nervous system, microscopically observed edema of the brain.

Prolonged oxygen starvation contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes in the body.

With the development of prolonged hypoxia, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to identify the exact cause of the condition and, in connection with this, prescribe the necessary therapeutic course. As a rule, the treatment includes taking medications aimed at improving blood circulation in the brain and developing immunity.

For preventive and therapeutic purposes, it is recommended that you exercise regularly in the open air with physical exercises, and take walks in green areas. An integral part of the measures to improve health is the observance of the daily routine, the reception of adequate and proper nutrition. In the diet must be present the necessary amount of fruits and vegetables.

Specialists also recommend avoiding stress situations whenever possible. Also, you should often ventilate the room, it is advisable to purchase a humidifier or an air ionizer.

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