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Why is it so hard for you to go to work after the decree?

All young mothers are familiar with the feeling that appears on the first morning, when they should return to work after maternity leave. And if you have not experienced this, it's hard to explain. The shift from constant caring for a child to working in the office can be more difficult than expected. Young mothers have to deal with the anxiety for the child left on the nanny, the troubles due to breastfeeding, new problems in the workplace - and this is not the whole list. Here are the changes that can arise when returning to work after the decree, and tips that will help you with everything to cope.

You may feel anxious

After the decree, you find yourself in a completely new environment. Even if your vacation lasted not three years, but only a few months, you have changed during this time. This means that it may be difficult for you to find a place in the team again. Many young mothers are concerned about the absence of a child during the whole working day, especially if they leave it for the first time.

If you are worried about how the child feels, it's very easy to check. Just call the one who stayed with the baby, and ask about everything that interests you. But if your anxiety worsens or you feel that it takes away all your thoughts, then the case may be in something else. Consult your doctor if you think you may have postpartum depression.

You feel overwhelmed by work

It's good when you have a good boss who will allow you to return to the rut and not give full load on the first day. But even then the young mother can feel that she does not cope with her duties. The fact is that you have not performed this work for several months or even years, therefore such trifles as trying to remember your password to e-mail may require additional mental energy.

First, be lenient towards yourself. You not so long ago gave birth to a baby. It is only natural that you need a little time to get used to the workplace. Make a list of all your responsibilities and ask for help if you need it.

And remember that you probably do your job better than you think. We tend to be the worst critics for ourselves, so try to take a step back and see from the side what you are doing right at work.

You will be painful to leave the child

It does not matter how much you love your job. When you first leave a small child, it seems unnatural to you, and for that there is a physical reason. After birth, the woman's brain is filled with hormones that help to establish a connection with the baby. It is this intense connection that makes it so hard to part with him.

Breastfeeding can become a little more difficult

If you come back to work just a few months after childbirth, you may face the problem of breastfeeding. Not surprisingly, in such a situation, many mothers refuse him in comparison with those who stay at home. The best thing you can do for yourself and your child is to continue to follow the feeding plan. Talk to your supervisor about how many breaks for feeding he is willing to give you, and try to decide how and where you can feed the baby.

Excessive lactation

Be prepared to face this problem, especially if you can not breastfeed during the day. In the intervals between the feeds from your breast milk can flow. All women are different, so its amount varies from a few drops to noticeable stains on clothing. The woman's organism starts producing milk, when the hormone oxytocin is released. Therefore, anything that causes an increase in its level can also lead to a leak. Anything that makes you think about your child - his name, talking about him or even screaming another kid, makes your body loose oxytocin.

You will feel very tired

Most likely, your child will still wake up at night to eat when you return to work. If you felt very tired during the decree, just imagine how hard it is to get up for work every morning and work the whole day. If you plan to return to work before your child turns six weeks old, know that loading more than 20 hours per week will make you feel exhausted.

This means that you should take care of yourself. Take a nourishing lunch and snacks with you so that you do not feel hungry during the day. You can also try moderate exercise, for example yoga. Do not forget that the life of another person depends on your condition, which needs care. Taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do for your child.

Say hello to guilt

Most women after the birth of a child face a feeling of dissatisfaction with themselves, as they try to be always and in everything perfect. You must remember that work does not make you a bad mom. Perhaps you feel guilty, because you leave the child to other people, or you feel ashamed because you want to return to your old life.

To avoid this, try to allocate special time during the week only for yourself and the child. You can wake up a few minutes earlier, for example, to sit together in a rocking chair, or go for a walk after kindergarten. When you have some free time at work, you can look at your child's photo. Studies show that simply viewing photographs of their children helps the mother feel less anxious and depressed.

You can feel more free, and that's okay.

We humans are social creatures. We need connections with other people to enjoy life. This is important for everyone, but especially for young mothers. After you spent several months at home with a newborn, you naturally want to leave the house. Perhaps you even look forward to working hours or some meetings with friends.

Take advantage of your new social time. Go to the cafe to have a latte. Plan lunch with colleagues. You deserve it!

Decrease Decree

Most mothers will always feel uncomfortable leaving the child in the care of another person, no matter how much time passed after giving birth. This connection is too strong. Nevertheless, many women are forced to leave their children and return to work, even if after the birth, very little time has passed.

Regardless of how long your maternity leave lasts, do not focus your care only on the child. Be kinder to yourself when you go to work in the new status of a young mother. Remember that you can do your job much better than you think.

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