
The suffix "tel": examples of words with the suffix "tel" and ending with -i. A word with a suffix "tel" and a null ending

Discoverers, builders, sculptors,

Eaters, fuses, seekers, rescuers,

Healers, feeders, warriors, teachers

And law enforcers - we are all earth people

And the public servants.

A person is not enough to be just a person, he has to do something, be someone by profession. There are a lot of words in the language with the meaning "a person by profession or occupation". This meaning is expressed by different suffixes, one of them is "tel".

With the meaning of a person by profession

The name of people's professions is usually formed from verbs that denote what a person who earns money on this is engaged in. From the verb of indefinite form is separated -t (s), remains the producing basis, the suffix -person is attached to it. Examples:

  • Led driver;
  • Educate - educator;
  • Sculpt - sculptor;
  • Inquire - the inquirer;
  • Test-tester;
  • To supervise - the supervisor;
  • Build - builder;
  • Rescue - rescuer;
  • Follow - investigator;
  • Teach - teacher;
  • Writing is a writer;
  • Teach - teacher;

  • Tame - tamer.

With the meaning of a person who has committed a particular action

These words are more convenient to form from the verb of the past tense, as they denote a person who once committed something in the past. In this case, the past suffix is not included in the producing basis. Here you can see such words with the suffix -tel-:

  • Paper maral - paper-cutter;
  • Wishful - well-wisher;
  • Owned - owner;
  • Groaned - the admirer;
  • Outraged - the disturber;
  • Extorted - extortionist;
  • Robber - robber;
  • Donated - the donor;
  • Lived - a resident;
  • Bequeathed - testator;
  • Laws gave - the legislator;
  • Cursed - the caster;
  • Gold was looking for - a gold digger;
  • The spectator is a spectator;
  • Published - publisher;
  • Invented - the inventor;
  • Researched - researcher;
  • Healed - healer;
  • Conquered - conqueror;
  • Replaced - deputy;
  • Stated - the applicant;
  • Baptized - baptizer;
  • Loved - an amateur;
  • Metal - thrower;
  • Thought - thinker;
  • The winner is the winner;
  • Dissolve - solvent;
  • Dilute diluent;
  • Born-parent;
  • Ruined - the destroyer;
  • Hand leads - the head;
  • Digger - digger;
  • Inhabited - the inhabitant;
  • Possessed - possessor;
  • Accused - the prosecutor;
  • Oselenil - landscapers;
  • Inform - informant;
  • Liberated - liberator;
  • Founded - the founder;
  • Blackened - a slanderer;
  • Poisoned - poisoner;
  • Desecrated - a defiler;
  • Decorated - designer;
  • Denied - the denier;
  • Set fire to - arsonist;
  • Devoured - a devourer;
  • Conquered - conqueror;
  • Bought - the buyer;
  • Received - the recipient;
  • Used - user;
  • Imitated - imitator;
  • The right was violated by the offender;
  • Visited - the visitor;
  • Kidnapped - kidnapper;
  • Rules - the ruler;
  • Betrayed - traitor;
  • Pursued - pursuer;
  • Enlightened - enlightener;
  • Work was given by the employer;
  • Destroyed - destroyer;
  • Advertisement gave - advertiser;
  • First discovered - the discoverer;
  • Good willed - well-wisher;
  • Evil puffed - a wicked man;
  • Performed - performer;
  • Voted - the voter;
  • Eradicated - the exterminator;
  • Tempted - the tempter;
  • Ruined - the destroyer;
  • Asked - petitioner;
  • Served - minister;
  • Listened - listener;
  • Created - the creator;
  • Hulil - detractor;
  • Kept - the keeper;

  • Read - reader.

With the meaning of an object intended for a specific purpose

The suffix -model also forms the words denoting inanimate objects. Such things are usually created by a person and used by him for some purpose. These words come from a verb having the meaning of the action for which the object is intended. An indefinite form of the verb without-t is used, the suffix -el is appended to it. Examples:

  • Bombs throw - bomb-thrower;
  • Paper hold - paper holder;
  • Concrete knead - concrete mixer;
  • Explosion - fuse;
  • Look kind - viewfinder;
  • Water to heat - water heater;
  • Rectify - rectifier;
  • Off - switch;
  • Muffler - silencer;
  • Move - the engine;
  • Fat substitute - fat substitute;
  • Thicken - thickener;
  • Darken - dimmer;
  • Fix - fixer;
  • Paint - dye;
  • Skin replace - leatherette;
  • Mine search - mine detector;
  • Accumulate - the accumulator;
  • Clarify - clarifier;
  • Refresh - freshener;
  • Clean - cleaner;
  • Heat - heater;
  • Bleach - bleach;
  • Reflect - reflector;
  • Steamed - steamer;
  • Clean - cleaner;
  • Steam to form - steam generator;
  • Switch - switch;
  • Show - indicator;
  • Sweeten - sweetener;
  • Secure - fuse;
  • Play - player;
  • Towel hold - towel holder;
  • Towel dry - heated towel rail;
  • Dissolve - solvent;
  • Dilute diluent;
  • Sprinkle - sprinkler;
  • Spray - sprayer;
  • Mix - mixer;
  • Snow clear - snowplow;
  • Manifest - the developer;
  • Lengthen - extension cord;
  • Seal - sealant;
  • Accelerate - accelerator;
  • To warm - a heater;
  • Strengthen - a fortifier;
  • Amplify - amplifier;
  • Color divide - color separator;
  • Energy to carry - energy.

With the value of the place

Words with a suffix -help can have a spatial meaning.

This may be the name of the place where children who are left without parental care for further distribution to orphanages - the receiver-distributor - are taken away.

There is a place where you can sober up - the sobering-up station.

Sometimes it is necessary to differentiate a place into sectors, then draw a line, the name of which is a strip-delimiter.

With the meaning of mathematical concepts

In mathematics, words with the suffix -help denote the numbers with which mathematical operations are performed: division, multiplication, fragmentation.

  • divider;
  • factor;
  • denominator;
  • numerator.

Words with the suffix -tel- in the singular

Nouns with the suffix -tel- refer to the masculine gender for the second declension, change by case and number. Any word with the suffix -tel and zero ending stands in the form of the singular nominative case, in the genitive and accusative cases has the ending -th, in the dative -th, in the instrumental, in the prepositional-e. For example, the word with the suffix - and - the zero ending in the nominative case:

R. Etc. - the caretaker;

Etc. - to the supervisor;

at. Etc. - the caretaker;

Tv. Etc. - by the caretaker;

Pr., About the caretaker;

Such a form has a word with a suffix -tel and zero ending in its initial form.

Words with suffix-plural

In the plural, words with the suffix -tel and ending -and stand in the nominative case. An exception can be only one word - teachers, teachers. It has two plural forms that require distinction:

  • Teachers - people who fulfill their professional duties to teach children in school;
  • Teachers are people who stand at the source of new directions and teachings.

Words with suffix -tel-, ending -i: teachers, dividers, switches.

In the genitive and accusative cases, these words have an ending - to it, to the dative - to the pit, in the instrumental - to the words, in the prepositional - to. For example:

R. Etc. - the caretakers;

Etc. to the caretakers;

at. Etc. - the caretakers;

Tv. Etc. - by caretakers;

Etc., etc. - about the caretakers.

So the words with the suffix and the ending in the initial form change.

Suffixes are solid-

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the suffix -help stands out only for nouns. If you have an adjective in front of you, then he has a morpheme-one-syllable. This suffix forms adjectives with the meanings:

  • "Capable of a certain activity," for example: able to observe-observant, capable of trying-an old-fashioned, able to perform-an executive, capable of approving-an approved, capable of refreshing-refreshing- Satisfactory, able to satisfy - satisfactory;
  • "Having an objective meaning," for example: it is desired-desirable-it is perceived-tangible-touch;
  • "Designed to perform the action", for example: intended for smoking - smoking, intended for swimming - floating, destined for flying - flying;
  • "Pointing to a link to an action", for example: where elected, selective, what can prepare-preparatory, where it can be cleared-cleansing .

Words to -...

It is necessary to distinguish words with a suffix -tel- and ending with -tel, in which:

  • The suffix is not allocated. Such words are usually foreign-speaking in origin: hotel, artel, tunic, motel, strap, dumbbell, cartel, pastel, bed, spade, spatula, gimp, cap, spinner;
  • Words that have a suffix -el: sucker, abode.

Interpretation of some words to -hel:

Artel - association of people in a group for joint business management;

Gimp - a thin metal thread;

Capital - the top of the column or column;

The cartel is an association of industrial enterprises with a view to controlling prices;

Carotea - round sweet carrot;

Corncrake - a fast- running bird, living in the grass;

Mittel - font in the printing house, equal to 14 points;

The monastery is the place where the monks live;

Fortune - an unexpected trick;

These words change in the same way as words, in which the suffix -tel-, the ending is zero.

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