
What to ask the guy at the beginning of dating

Acquaintance is a very important stage in the development of relations, and on how a person will present himself in this period, their further development largely depends. There is an outdated opinion that a young man should be the leader here, but times change, and the girl's passivity in the period of the origin of relations can only spoil everything. The girl should be interested in the guy no less than that he, even though it may not be so openly - but to maintain a lively conversation and show that the interlocutor is not what she would be absolutely indifferent to, it is necessary. Otherwise, you can go for an indifferent to others, a complexed or simply a person with a narrow mind.

So, the meeting took place, and what's next? There are a lot of opportunities for our services: in this century, when space ships are plowing the expanses of the universe, there are many ways to continue communicating. Sometimes, somebody's principles prevent you from giving your phone number right away, but the ICQ number or the address of your Internet page can be left completely painless. Thus, to continue communication, personal meetings are not mandatory, and this is already a great way to simplify the case - after all, often, especially in cases of heightened interest in the object, we tend to talk nonsense and be embarrassed, and in writing, our cue can be re-read and rewritten a hundred times. conveniently.

And so, we decided to get in touch. They even cheerfully greeted me. And then we were confused: we are so little acquainted, do not know anything about each other, what can you ask the guy under such circumstances? In fact, the situation is absolutely not complicated, and this problem is not a problem: here you have to talk a few years, or even get married - then think of what to ask the guy, it will be much more difficult, but now the open space is open. Yes before you all conceivable and inconceivable topics: you have so little time to discuss.

You can act by instinct, just giving yourself up to the flow of consciousness, and you can act prudently and subtly and produce exactly the planned impression. For example, you decided that your image should be light and erratic - then you can come up with cute and unexpected questions, and you can even without greeting. The main thing is not to confuse the funny with the idiotic, and everything will turn out.

If you want to seem very smart - try to ask his opinion about an interesting scientific fact or phenomenon, for example, whether a black hole is created as a result of launching a hadron collider or not - the main thing is that the topic should be popular and generally available, otherwise it is possible to achieve an undesirable effect, A person feel foolish.

To create a mysterious image you need to think carefully what to ask the guy: the question should be clever, but understandable, but most importantly - interesting and intriguing. Here you should pay special attention to the style of speech: it should be literate and harmonious.

If you still can not decide what to ask the guy - try asking him to help you in something to figure it out. If you communicate on the Internet - then the problem should not arise here. Young people who have a computer, always all or almost all know about it, or at least pretend, so the question of what to ask a guy vkontakte or ICQ, can be considered solved: we ask about the technology or programs. For example, we are interested in what kind of ICQ client it is better to deliver, or something like that. Seeking help is one of the best ways to give a man to feel strong, intelligent and generally good at it.

And most importantly, what to ask the guy, that he liked - of course, about himself! People talk about themselves for hours. Ask about childhood, gustatory and musical preferences, about study, work - but do not ask too personal questions. You may think that you would like to report about yourself and change it into a question: at the same time you will determine whether your values are close to him.

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