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What kind of fish can nursing mothers have? Diet in breastfeeding

Pregnancy is a magical period. The future mother watches with every movement of crumbs, rejoices at new stages of its development, strictly estimates its diet. But with the birth of a baby, many believe that it's time to relax a little. This is far from the case. Moreover, the maternal organism continues to supply the baby with everything necessary for growth and development (now no longer through the placenta, but through breast milk), so also the baby begins to grow very rapidly, which means that its nutritional needs are increasing every day. There is one more important point: the body of the newborn child must take care of heat exchange, breathing, metabolism, that is, it consumes additional energy. Hence, the diet of a woman should be as varied as possible, and today we'll talk about what kind of fish can be breastfeeding moms.

Individual reaction is in the first place

We are all different, which means that there can be no unequivocal answer to this question. If the mother during the pregnancy calmly ate all varieties of fish (which is very desirable), without experiencing allergic reactions and any discomfort on the part of the digestive organs, then after the birth of the crumbs, one can not seriously worry about this. However, most nutritionists and pediatricians agree that in the first three months after childbirth it is necessary to exclude any fish from their diet. It is to this age that the digestive system of the baby finally ripens, and colic passes. Now it is important to understand what kind of fish can be nursing mothers, and from which one should abstain for now.

Fish: Pros and Cons

Fish is rich in fats and amino acids, vitamins and proteins. It should be emphasized that these elements are easily absorbed in the body. Using fish 3-4 times a week, you fully meet the need for protein, that is, it is an alternative to meat. Do not forget about the wonderful fish oil, which will be useful both for recovery after the birth of the mother, and for the growth and development of the child. However, despite all the useful properties, one should not eat only fish and even more so eat it indiscriminately.

What harm can the mother and child bring to the fish? The only thing that can be said about this is that it is a fairly strong allergen. That is, first of all you need to understand what kind of fish can be nursing mothers, and only then decide how old and how much to include it in the diet.

We plan our diet

Of course, fish and seafood are necessary for children for normal growth, as well as for the formation of the skeleton. However, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the peculiarities of one's own organism. If during the pregnancy the woman constantly ate fish, then after the birth of the baby it is possible to continue in the same spirit, only more attention should be paid to the choice of its varieties. However, if during the period of bearing a baby you have not eaten a piece of fish, this does not mean that you can not use it further. But in this case, even more acute is the question of what kind of fish can be nursing mothers. And you can introduce it into the diet only in small portions, constantly watching the reaction of your crumbs. A complete disqualification from fish dishes may be advised by a doctor if the child is prone to severe allergic reactions. In this case, introduce fish into the diet much later, when the lure will begin.

Choosing a Fish

First of all, you should give preference to the most common varieties. Most often for our country fish with breastfeeding is recommended river or non-fat marine. Excess Omega 3 is an increased risk of allergic reactions, which you do not need now. If you decide to try fish for the first time after giving birth, it is best if it is pollock, hake, pike perch, cod, sea bass, carp and herring. This is a variety with white meat. If your choice is exclusively a river fish, then give preference to such species as trout, bream, river perch, burbot and pike. This fish contains a minimum of allergens and is easily digested. Once again, we emphasize that it is very important and how you prepare it. Any fish is fried in about 15 minutes, and during this time all useful substances are destroyed. At the same time, the same cooking time per pair allows you to keep them in their original form.

Cooking fish

Of course - this is a valuable and useful product, which is very important for every crumbs. However, fish with breastfeeding should be selected very carefully. It is important not only the grade, but also the quality, as well as the way of preparation. Choose only proven suppliers and a fresh, beautiful product. To fish retain all the useful qualities during thawing, do this with a saline solution. The most useful is boiled, stewed or steam fish. Let it not be as tasty as fried dishes, but in your case, the benefits are more important. Salted fish is also undesirable.

What is worth abstaining from?

We all love to treat ourselves to delicious, but when the baby is on hand, we will have to weigh the prospective benefit and harm. In particular, salted fish is not at all useful. Excess salt is harmful to crumbs. When choosing a product, it must also be taken into account that dried, smoked and dried fish often conceals a damaged product behind it. No matter how much you like sushi, but now is not the time for exotic delicacies. It's good, if for their preparation the producer takes salted fish, and in fact in the original it should be raw. It can contain organisms that are not at all useful for the nursing mother and especially her baby.

Despite the obvious benefits, red fish nursing women are not very useful. Excess omega-3 fatty acids can be too heavy for the baby's body and cause various problems with digestion. This is primarily our favorite mackerel, herring and salmon. Here you can include sea trout, salmon, as well as some other varieties that contain a lot of fat.

Today, a lot of seafood appeared on the shelves. These are mussels and shellfish, crabs and shrimp. Of course, they are tasty and useful, but fully this applies to fresh catch, and not to what we usually see on supermarket shelves in the form of preserves. Mom's meals should not contain products of such questionable quality. We described in some detail what is most beneficial for a nursing woman, and what can be a threat. The choice is yours.

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