HealthHealthy Eating

Eating with gastritis.

All diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by a pronounced dyspeptic syndrome and have a clear connection with the intake of food. Therefore, the first step in the treatment of this type of pathology is to create the necessary, optimal diet for the patient.

In this case, people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines, must adhere to diet constantly to prevent exacerbation.

Diet with gastritis of the stomach - a balanced composition of fats, proteins and carbohydrates contributing to the normalization of the digestive tract.

The first rule in compiling a diet is the percentage of fats (1) - proteins (1) - carbohydrates (4). In any diet and any disease, this ratio should be met.

The second law is the rejection of a mono-diet containing only one component of the nutrient. This is absolutely unacceptable, because Nutrition with gastritis should be complete and balanced, while maintaining the optimal number of amino acids (to restore the damaged surface of the stomach).

Nutrition for acute gastritis:

  1. It is necessary to eat at least 6-8 times a day (an interval of 1.5-2 hours). So the food does not hurt the mucous and is better absorbed.
  2. It is necessary to take gastric tea with a gastroprotective effect (between meals).
  3. The first breakfast can be sparing: a cracker or a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese.
  4. For the second breakfast, patients are advised to use rice broths, semolina or oatmeal (not too much is a piece of butter).
  5. Lunch: meat steamed or boiled (in the midst of the disease it is best to eat beef or rabbit meat, and then you can include more fatty meat in the diet). As for the garnish, there are no special restrictions, only it is necessary to remember that fried foods with gastritis are contraindicated. Give preference to mashed vegetables or cereal.
  6. Nutrition for gastritis should include as many products of enveloping action. Therefore, we should not forget about yogurt and kissel.
  7. For dinner, you can cook light rice or oat soup, preferably not on meat broth. Then drink tea with biscuit. This is quite enough for an adult organism!

Nutrition with gastritis with a low acidity should be directed, first of all, to normalize the acid-base balance and create optimal conditions for the work of the stomach. For this, patients should include in their diet a variety of vegetable and meat broths, tea and bread, fruits and vegetables.

You can use all kinds of sour-milk products with a low fat content in them. However, one should not get involved in hard cheeses - this food can cause an exacerbation of gastritis.

Food for gastritis should be gentle, easily digestible and digestible, but with the necessary daily concentration of vitamins and trace elements.

Patients with gastritis should refuse:

- drinking alcohol

- greasy, fried, strongly flavored food

- chips, nuts, crackers, popcorn

- Smoked products

- fat

- fruits and vegetables with skin

- it is necessary to limit the use of fresh cabbage and turnips.

An example of a daily diet for gastritis with a low acidity:

  1. Breakfast:

- boiled coffee, a long loaf with oil

- any porridge with a piece of butter or low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese

2. Lunch:

- boiled lean meat


- soup on vegetable or low-fat meat broth

- a fresh vegetable salad

- bread

- jelly, milk or yogurt

3. Dinner:

- boiled egg

- mashed boiled vegetables

- cracker and tea

Between the basic meals you can eat jelly, kefir, yogurts with one cracker or a slice of bread. Also need to drink a day at least one glass of freshly squeezed juice (fruit or vegetable). Do not forget about medicines - it's also very important!

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