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Simple diets for men

Full men as an excuse for their kilograms often say that good in them means a lot. But the question arises: "And how useful is a woman partner with a big belly and body in general?" Excess weight gradually makes a strong sexual man a body useless in bed. He has problems even in domestic affairs. For example, it is difficult to bend over to tie the shoelaces or carry heavy bags from the store to the house. This means that it's time to use diets for men.

Nutrition for weight loss is not too different by sex. But nevertheless it is necessary to take into account some features - these are metabolic processes, as well as physical activity. In men, metabolism, that is, digestion of food, is accelerated in contrast to the female body. Also, a strong sex does not tolerate fasting and often experiences great physical exertion. Therefore, the number of calories consumed daily should be about 1600 - 1800. Effective diets for men are advised to exclude from the food fried, fatty, sweet, floury, salty dishes, as well as lard. Alcohol and lemonades. Under the ban, various types of fast food, gravies, sauces, mayonnaise, sugar. During the day, you must always drink clean water, as well as tea without sugar.

Diets for men mean a varied diet. Below are examples of a possible diet.

Breakfast: 1) 200 gr. Oatmeal porridge without sugar, fruit; 2) 200 gr. Yoghurt, a slice of bread with bran; 3) boiled egg and toast from rye bread.

Lunch: 1) 100 gr. Chicken hearts, medium tomato, spoon dinning pea green; 2) 100 gr. Liver beef baked with any mushrooms; 3) 150 gr. Potatoes, boiled in a peel, 70 gr. Boiled low-fat meat, 30 gr. Cheese.

Snack: 1) an omelet consisting of 2 eggs, tomatoes, onions and greens; 2) a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and vegetable oil.

Dinner: 1) 200 gr. Fish with white meat, cooked with a grill; 2 slices of bread with bran; 2) 100 gr. Boiled string beans, bread with bran; an Apple; 3) steak and 1 toast from black bread.

The above diet perfectly helps to satisfy the feeling of hunger and gives the body all the necessary nutrients. It is advisable to stick to it for at least two weeks. Then take a break of 2 months and then repeat the diet.

Men often do not like to adhere to strict restrictions and allow themselves various indulgences throughout the day: beer, wine. These caloric drinks should be limited. You limit yourself to eating, trying not to give the body excess, but having drunk the above drinks, get at least 500 kcal with each glass. Limit the consumption of sugar and other sweet foods. If you absolutely can not do without them, then use substitutes.

In an effort to reduce weight, it must be borne in mind that a strong sex requires a lot of protein. This is a necessary condition for maintaining sexual function. Therefore, a popular protein diet for men. This diet helps not only to lose weight, but also promotes the formation of muscle mass. That's why it is used by men who do sports. The peculiarity of this diet is that the food should be high-calorie, so that when it is observed, there is enough strength for training. One kg of the weight of a man should account for approximately 40 kcal obtained with food. For example, a person weighs 80 kg, in which case he needs about 3,200 calories per day. But it should be borne in mind that this calculation only concerns the trainee.

Diets for men, based on the consumption of large amounts of protein, consist mainly of products of animal origin. This is fish, meat, milk, cheese, eggs. But still it is necessary to give the organism and vegetative food, for example, nuts, seeds, beans, mushrooms.

Choose the most suitable diet for you, stick to it. It should be borne in mind that diets for men of the type described above are not strict, so you should not expect a quick result from them. Weight of fat mass will decrease slowly, but it is stable.

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