Food and drink, Coffee
What kind of coffee is good in beans? Coffee in grains: price, reviews
Most people in the morning prefer to wake up just for a cup of coffee. The only question is, for what purpose do they pour this drink. If only in order to wake up quickly and run to work, it is quite suitable and soluble, if only it was stronger. But if a person wishes at the same time to have fun, he will at least buy a good ground coffee for the morning ceremony . A real lover and connoisseur will choose the grain and will rise a little early to grind it and fully enjoy the aroma and taste.
If you decide to join the ranks of gourmets, you should first determine which coffee beans are good and suitable for you in the fortress, smell and taste. We outline the basic principles in this article.
Factor one: the degree of roasting
Probably, this is the main thing, what should pay attention to beginners in the art of coffee making. Before deciding what kind of coffee beans are good, decide how you intend to use it. The fact is that the beans are fried at different times. As a result of the shortest treatment, a roast, called light roast, is obtained. Such cereal coffee is most suitable for drinkers with cream or milk. Beans, aged "in the frying pan" for a little longer, are considered medium-roasted. They have a pronounced smell and bitter taste. By the way, most of the coffee lovers like the average roast. And, finally, strongly roasted coffee - it is the strongest, but also the most bitter. There are not many lovers of this drink, but in Italy and France it is the most popular.
Factor two: the origin of the beans
In principle, the question of what kind of coffee beans is good, very subjective. Someone likes bitterness, someone prefers a sour taste, and someone likes something neutral. If you have already decided what is good for you, be guided by the producing country (namely beans, not pre-packaged grains). So, the Caribbean coffee has no sourness, no expressed bitterness, but it has a bright and rich flavor. Brazilian is a little sweet and smells wonderful. It is especially suitable for mixtures in espresso. The Yemen grains in the aroma bear a fruit note, which sometimes confuses fans of a pure coffee smell. But his taste is so peculiar that the experts forgive him even the "wrong" flavor. Indian coffee has a very mild taste, which is strikingly combined with unobtrusive tartness. Colombian varieties, as well as imported from Central America, are very light, so they always combine with stronger, but less fragrant species. By the way, they are not too good in espresso. Hawaiian and Guinean beans are known for a lasting aftertaste, but it is extremely difficult to find them (except that somewhere "over the hill"), so they are more expensive than all the others and try a little coffee from someone else.
Determination of quality
When you have established which coffee beans are good for you, it's time to be vigilant. Even the best variety can be spoiled by improper storage or transportation. Therefore, drink experts advise buying grain by weight - so you can accurately determine how they are quality, visually and smell. However, even for packed coffee there are signs.
- Appearance. Grain should be matte glisten - fresh, they retain the oiliness for quite a long time. Seared or tarnished beans signal to you that they have been lying with the seller for a long time, or the integrity of the bag has been violated on the way.
- Smell. It should be smooth and inherent in this particular variety. If there is a rancid or moldy note - go away. So before buying a good coffee it's best not to use perfume, deodorants and colognes, and also to refrain at least an hour from smoking so as not to dull the sense of smell. Of course, do not go for coffee with a cold.
- Integrity of grains. They should be even, of the same size, not split and without cracks. Of course, all the beans in the purchased party will not be reconsidered, but if you notice in the mass of their halves - so they are not so few. Accordingly, the flavor and aromatic qualities of coffee grains (photos of which are listed in the article) have been largely lost.
- Quality grain coffee is packaged in packages, where there is necessarily a valve with a filter, through which it can be sniffed. We have already described the rules of smell. The second sign of the staleness of packed coffee is the swelling of the wrapper.
The top five
If you still doubt which coffee beans are good for you, you can first orient yourself on the name of the company. Famous brands do not fail.
- Jardin. In Russia, the most popular, especially since it offers a different degree of roasting, several variants of the fortress and countries growing beans.
- Paulig. It uses only arabica, which is important for many connoisseurs - they do not like mixtures (although there are many charms for them).
- Kimbo. Italian coffee , without bitterness and acidity - may well be what you need at the beginning for self-determination in art to make coffee.
- Gut! From Guttenberg. A mixture of robusta and arabica, very high quality. The choice of varieties, the degree of roasting and fortress.
- Malongo. Already a French supplier. The best choice for espresso lovers. Dorogovat, but worth it.
However, in time, you will discover your own, maybe, less well-known coffee beans. The price of it, most likely, will be comparable to the "promoted" brands (and this is at least 900 rubles per kilogram, and by share), but good coffee can not cost cheap.
The main thing is to properly brew
Whatever tasty coffee beans you bought, the main task is not to spoil it when cooking. Rule one: the Turk and only the Turk, and competently chosen. Rule two: filtered or purified water. Rule three: fine grinding (but not dust!) Rule four (advisable): buy a special apparatus with a sand for cooking coffee. It will be tastier, but you can do with an ordinary stove. The process itself is simple: in a small Turk is put a teaspoon with a slide of coffee and sugar to taste. Those who do not like sweets do not have it, the lovers of the fortress put more coffee. The water is poured cold, and the coffee-cook waits patiently until the foam rises. The Turk is removed, the foam settles, the Turk returns. And so up to 4 times. The main condition is not to break the structure of the foam. With transfusion, it is possible to filter off a thicket by a strainer, but according to experts, this is pampering.
Green Coffee Beans: Myths and Misconceptions
Recently there has been an unprecedented stir around this product: he says that losing weight from him is rapid, health is becoming perfect, and cheerfulness and efficiency increase to unprecedented heights. However, a sober person should be aware: green coffee beans are a semi-finished product, raw materials from which a favorite beverage is made. No special qualities, he does not have, and even the right fry to prepare the morning "awakener", at home is unrealistic. So it's better to think about what kind of coffee beans are good than to believe in unscrupulous advertising.
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