Food and drinkCoffee

The Benefit And The Wrede Coffee

The Benefits of Coffee

The content of natural coffee in grains includes about 2 thousand substances, among which are quite useful. Phosphorus and calcium make the skeleton stronger, potassium regulates the rhythm of cardiac activity, and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood depends on iron.

But one of the most significant substances available in coffee is caffeine. In normalized quantities, it guarantees improved brain function and relieves fatigue.

Daily intake of caffeine in a moderate amount reduces the risk of developing cholelithiasis as well as colon cancer.

The proven fact is the good effect of caffeine on the mindset. This action is explained by the presence of serotonin, better known as the "harmony harmony." Therefore, a cup of coffee is an excellent prevention of depression and stress. By the way, the result of research has proved that among people who use coffee, ludi who commit suicides are much less common.

Other scientists have proven that caffeine improves the sensitivity of the retina. Due to what the eyes notice the smaller details, and the colors become more saturated.

One of the properties of caffeine is the removal of harmful substances from the body and the breakdown of fats. Because of this, many products are added to fight against cellulite.

There is also an opinion that caffeine reduces the negative impact of radiation on the body, but it is premature to prove it just yet.

Another coffee causes a weak diuretic, as well as a laxative effect. But it's good or harm, depending on the case.

On the dangers of coffee

In large quantities, caffeine depletes nerve cells, which leads to depression or nervousness. Therefore, do not abuse, and eat one or two cups a day and you will not feel depressed.

Great harm to coffee can cause hypertensive patients, since it maintains pressure at a high level.

Also it is necessary to refuse this drink to people suffering from atherosclerosis, insomnia, glaucoma, people with ischemic heart disease or kidney disease.

There is an opinion that caffeine is a narcotic substance. It's a lie, although coffee really causes addiction. But this dependence is purely physical. It is all connected with the same seratonin.

If sharply interrupt the flow into the blood of the "harmony of joy," then headaches, drowsiness, and retardation of reaction may occur. Therefore, if for some reason you decided to abandon the consumption of coffee, then it is better to do it step by step.

It is not recommended to drink to adolescents, as their nervous system is not yet formed, and nervous excitement caused by caffeine can be bad for it.

Previously, they said that pregnant women caffeine is also contraindicated. But recently there was evidence that coffee in small quantities does not affect the mother's body and the development of the fetus.

Coffee is harmful if eaten on hungry. This is due to the content of tannins in the composition of this drink. These substances can drain the stomach mucosa. For the same reason, coffee is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastritis or gastric ulcer.

All of the above is true first of all for natural coffee, which is brewed in a ceramic coffee turk. Speaking about the harm and benefits of instant coffee, I think some adjustments should be made.

The technology of soluble coffee production, implies its brewing for several hours, followed by freezing and sublimation. Also, if we assume that no additives are used in production, then the above technologies do not explicitly add coffee to additional supernatural properties.

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