
Proper plucking of eyebrows and shape selection

Every woman should take care of herself, very much attention is paid to the person. What is not done to maintain youthful skin, remove wrinkles, highlight specific features and, conversely, mask the shortcomings. Many procedures can be conducted at home, however, it is more pleasant and better to trust the hands of professionals. Let's talk about the eyebrows.

Eyebrow plucking is a regular procedure that any woman uses to remove unwanted hairs. Nevertheless, in most cases it is done incorrectly. The whole thing is not only in a specific sequence: it is very important to choose exactly the shape of the eyebrows that will make the face as expressive as possible.

Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare everything you need: a double-sided mirror that increases one side, tweezers, disinfectant lotion and ice, if you have very sensitive skin, or just do not suffer pain. Choose a convenient and well-lit place to see all unnecessary hairs.

Begin plucking the eyebrows from pulling the skin in the desired area, then remove the hair, grasping the tweezers behind the base. To prevent infection, you need to wipe the tweezers with alcohol, cleanse your face and wash your hands thoroughly. Watch this procedure and when visiting the salon.

To get the right eyebrows as a result, do not save time by pulling out a few hairs at a time. Tear out each one separately with sharp movements. To remove a little redness or swelling, and also to suppress pain, use one of two opposite methods: hot compresses or ice.

The right eyebrows will be best made by a professional, you should not come up with a suitable form at home, especially if you decide to experiment. Visiting a beauty salon once a month will not be so burdensome, and all the rest of the time will require only the correct correction.

Yet many ladies spend plucking eyebrows and choosing a form at home. For them, too, there are several tips. First of all, it should be remembered that for the oval face shape it is better to choose the curved shapes of the eyebrows, and for the square face the straight eyebrows are more suitable. Professionals are guided in the selection of shapes on special lines passing through three points: lines are drawn from the wing of the nose through the outer and inner corners of the eye and end at the intersection with the eyebrow.

In order not to be mistaken with the removal of unnecessary hairs, you should use special applicators. If there are none, then you can draw a suitable contour eyebrow cosmetic pencil.

Some women believe that, depending on whether the black eyebrows they have or the light effect will be different. In fact, the main thing is to choose the right shape, and if desired, the color can be corrected with a special paint. Most often in shops you can find three kinds of shades, using which you get ashy, brown and black eyebrows.

A very important rule of the procedure is the alternate plucking of the eyebrows. Only in this case it is possible to achieve maximum symmetry. In addition, doctors do not recommend removing hairs from the upper side of the eyebrows, as this can lead to negative consequences for the skin. In fact, correct correction on the underside does not require any movement to the upper zone.

Some women have fused eyebrows. Do not think that it somehow paints the face, on the contrary, it goes against the generally accepted standard of beauty. Such women should work to pluck unnecessary hairs. If necessary, if the hairs nearest to the nose are too long and grow in different directions, you can use special scissors to cut them.

You do not need to invent something new, if you are not sure about the result. Use the services of a specialist who will do everything right and tell you what to do next.

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