Spiritual developmentMystic

What is the forehead scratched? Signs know why itches the forehead

In the world there is a huge variety of very diverse beliefs. For centuries the people patiently collected hundreds of portents, which were passed from mouth to mouth. People believed in them, afraid to cross the road after the black cat and after meeting with a man carrying an empty bucket; Felt uncomfortable due to the fact that on the table was accidentally scattered salt. Some signs seem a little strange, others - just terrible.


So, there is a Turkish belief that saying that chewing gum at night means chewing the flesh of the dead. Where does that come from, it's unclear ... and why at night? It turns out, in the afternoon it can be chewed without consequences? And it is only the clock's hand that should pass a little after midnight, as the metamorphosis takes place in the mouth. Or the superstition that the mirror takes away the soul, if you look at it too often. As it can be checked, it remains a mystery. And in ancient China, there was a belief that a woman should not comb while her husband is at sea, otherwise be a shipwreck. And it is good, if the spouse has separated only for a week. And if the voyage lasts for six months? Anyway, many people still believe in signs and try to do everything to neutralize their actions if they promise a negative. Returning home for a forgotten thing, such a person will certainly look in the mirror to lure luck.

Talking about some successful business or strong health of loved ones, he will knock on the tree three times - not to jinx it. It seems that these people have everything to explain everything. They know what rats are dreaming of, which means to meet on their way a man in a red suit, where his forehead is scratched . Today we'll talk about the last step.

We'll figure it out!

It would seem that the strange thing is that a person has combed something. Well, who does not happen? However, probably every second at least once in my life I heard that the left hand itches to the money, the right hand - to greet someone with someone, and if the comb was combed - to be a feast or a fight. Young idle guys, cunningly chuckling, like to say to beautiful girls that if their lips itch - this, one hundred percent, to kissing.

But what's the forehead to itching?

According to one of the signs, this means that a person will have to think a lot, perhaps in the near future he will be awaited by debris at work or will have to solve some family problems that require a serious thought process. On another note, if the forehead is itch - it means that a person will have to "beat" a person.

That is, very much to ask for any service, you may need to persuade the boss to sign a vacation application not on schedule, or there will be a need to beg your mother-in-law to sit with her grandchildren, so that you can go to the restaurant with your wife. Or maybe it will be necessary to ask a friend to lend some amount of money to paychecks. This is what this sign says. The forehead is scratched to the right - this means that you will have to turn to a man for help, and to the left for a woman.

The opinion of esotericists about this phenomenon

But the esoteric experts have a different opinion on this matter. And the points of view of representatives of different currents are radically opposite. So, one on the question of why the forehead is itching respond that serious conversation with a man of the opposite sex is to be or there will be some reason for the hard work of thought. In general, you have to move your brains and make important decisions.

Other experts in the field of esotericism argue that this sign has a different meaning. What is the forehead scratched? This phenomenon indicates that the spouse no longer takes this person seriously, perhaps the former feelings have cooled down, and soon one will have to think about parting.

What does this mean?

What is the forehead scratched? Some folk superstitions approach the interpretation with a great deal of humor. For example, one of them says that one should carefully observe your husband / wife. Perhaps the second half a long time running to the left, and the forehead itches, because it is already starting to grow horns. There is also one more ironic transcript about what the forehead itches. Most likely, it's time for his master to stop drinking alcohol so often, otherwise, in one not absolutely perfect moment, a meeting with a door jamb will inevitably occur.

Someone on the question of what itches his forehead, answers what it means: soon someone will bow, that is, say hello to a respected person, perhaps senior in age or with a higher position. If, however, the eyebrows also itch - this is for a love meeting (if the right eyebrow itches). But if the left - then to tears.

Why the forehead itches? There is another interpretation of such a sign. It is also based on the fact that someone will have to bow or ask, but there is one clarification: it will certainly be a arrogant, arrogant, greedy person. And it will be necessary to apply a considerable amount of effort, in order to beg for it. Perhaps you will need to flatter, shower it with compliments or promise some kind of service in return for fulfilling the request.

If the itch in the forehead is itchy at the same time, it is to troubles, a strong scandal, a public swearing. Perhaps this person at the meeting will be blown off by the authorities in the presence of a large number of colleagues. Or at a family celebration, his wife does not hesitate to tell her husband about anything that she thinks about him. And maybe there will be a small general brawl with friends in the pub. If, at the same time, ears are scratched at the same time as the forehead, another belief operates here. If the left ear - someone will be very praise, if the right one - to discuss by the eyes, to wash the bones. However, some signs assure that if the ears and forehead are scratched together - this is to change the weather for the worse. Depending on the season, it is worth waiting for either snow or heavy rain.

Other variants of interpretation

According to other superstitions, if you scratch your forehead - wait for guests. Moreover, most likely, they will stay in the house for a long time, so it is worthwhile to hammer in the fridge with food and stock up a couple of extra toothbrushes and towels.

And if the forehead itchs, and the eyebrow twitches, it means that soon a kind and pleasant event will happen in life, a happy event that will leave behind good memories.

A small conclusion

Here are such different interpretations of what the forehead can be itching. Which of them should be trusted and whether you need to listen to them at all, to decide, of course, to you. However, if the itching in the forehead does not stop, think: perhaps it is better to look for a more realistic explanation? Perhaps, you just got a prickly winter hat, which causes irritation, or it causes inconvenience too thick and long bangs. We wish you good luck and let every good thing in your life promise only good events!

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