Spiritual developmentMystic

What does my ears look like?

Since ancient times people have paid special attention to people's signs. Each of them carried a warning in itself or notified about upcoming events. It was thanks to the people's signs that we could warn ourselves against unwanted events and take steps to prevent them. In our life we meet such signs as the hand itches, cheeks burn, the leg hurts. Along with the signs relating to the human body there are those that are connected with certain actions occurring in nature or with the behavior of animals in this or that period. Among the huge number of them I want to tell you about what it means when your ears are scratched. Believe me, this feeling can not be called pleasant. However, if you listen to the voice of our ancestors, you can learn a lot. And whether or not to believe in popular signs depends entirely on the person.

So, for a sign "ears are scratched" there are several interpretations. The most common is the one that foreshadows any news. Moreover, they can be either good or bad. In this case, it is difficult to take any action, because in our life there is a constant receipt of certain information, or, more simply, news. Therefore, this interpretation is considered the most truthful.

In many interpretations, when looking for the answer to the question, "What are the ears used for?", It is possible to read - to the newborn from acquaintances. In this case, it's very easy to go over all the people in the memory, and to guess who of them can have a child. If there are none, then you need to consider other options, for example, "someone will scold you." This interpretation is not very happy, but perhaps by reassessing all actions on this day, you can avoid its execution.

The sign "ears are scratched" is a warning of unforeseen expenditure of some sums of money. Listening to this warning, a person is already morally adjusting himself to a certain event, connected with the expenditure of his money. And when this really happens, it is much easier to bear. After all, he is already ready for such a turn of events, moreover - already awaits its execution.

Perhaps these signs will seem ridiculous and ridiculous to someone. Many can argue that this is a simple coincidence. However, they can not be completely ignored. They were observed and collected for centuries. And, believe me, in most cases they have confirmation.

People living in rural areas believe that if their ears are scratching, then wait for the rain. Engaging in agriculture, to heed this notion is very important. After all, this is great news, especially if there has been no rain for a long time, and the most important thing for rural people is the garden. And, you see, this news is very pleasant. In addition to this interpretation of this sign, there is another, which is also related to weather conditions. For example, for those born in the spring or summer, this means that a warming is coming. If the ears of those who were born in the autumn or winter were combed, the treatment has a different meaning, and it assumes a change in the weather towards cooling.

In addition, if you look in the interpretations of the notion of "what does the ear scratch?", Then here plays a role - what an ear .. Many believe that regardless of the period of birth, the left ear is scratched before the onset of cold weather, and the right one - to warming.

Most people believe in popular signs, and, scratching their ears, await the fulfillment of certain events. But, if you think logically, then you can find another explanation for this. For example, if you have earrings in your ears, then it can itch and from intolerance to the body of a given metal. If you are 100% sure that this is not so, then, probably, an earache is a consequence of an allergy or any irritation that can be established by medical means.

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