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Delicacy under the name "Svetlogory" - a cheese originally from Belarus

Everyone likes to drink tea, but we have long forgotten that you can do this without a variety of sweets, biscuits and cookies. After all, drinking without snacks is not so interesting, even if in a glass of milk, not a cocktail or anything stronger! Many liked the TM "Svetlogory" products. The cheese of this company enjoys an enviable popularity and entices an interesting package, reminiscent of candy from childhood. Can I take it for the whole family and recommend it to friends? Or does the composition still leave much to be desired? Who will reveal the truth?

Why do we love cheese?

When the cookie seems dryish, and the chocolate is too sugary, then the glazed "Svetlogory" (with vanillin) will have to come to tea by the way. It has a gentle consistency, soft taste and an interesting structure. But the feedback this product receives is ambiguous, and therefore the question of its quality is quite important. Cheeses seem to mass consumers natural, as they belong to the category of dairy products. But the modern manufacturing industry is able to disguise the composition of a particular product and replace natural components with chemical powder analogs. At ТМ "Svetlogorye" cheese curd turned out to be strongly sweet and somewhat oily to taste. It is these moments that confuse most consumers, because the aftertaste clearly indicates the use of palm oil in cooking.

From the certificate of the stamp

In February 1929 OAO Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant was founded as a milk receiving point with primary processing of products. When the technical equipment improved, it became possible to produce whole dairy products. At first the plant was engaged in the production of pasteurized milk, sour cream and cottage cheese. The assortment gradually expanded and thereby won the love of buyers. Since 2000, the factory opened a shop for the production of glazed curds and cottage cheese mass. The factory hit for sure and shocked consumers with a line of 77 varieties of curds. The Dmitrovskiy dairy plant is also the company "Svetlogorye". The cheese of this brand on the package has a clear inscription: "Belarusian traditions".

In appearance

At first glance, the cheese seems a little unattractive at the expense of a dull wrapper, but it's quite intricate, since it has the shape of a large candy from childhood. No cellophane films and gloss that the buyer has, since there is no association with chemistry and counterfeiting. Cheese weighs 50 grams and, judging by the inscription, it does not have any preservatives. The price of the product varies from 18 to 23 rubles. Most ingredients in the composition are approved by consumers, but confuses the cocoa butter substitute. At the same time, the "Svetlogory" cheeses seem fragile enough. Their composition also makes us doubt the strength, because there is a natural curd, butter and sugar. In the section, a clear layer of cottage cheese and a thin chocolate coating are visible. If the cheese with the filling, it is hidden deep inside, so that it will not pour out.

In terms of benefits

If you proceed from the diet of an ordinary adult, then "Svetlogory" - a raw high-calorie and harmful, as per 100 grams there are 411 kcal. But one piece of cheese weighs 50 grams, so this number can be divided in half. Thus, we get 22% of the daily intake of calories. At 50 grams, 7 grams of protein, 28 grams of fat and 31 grams of carbohydrates. In a word, it will be very sweet and very bold. In the diet menu, such cheese is strictly prohibited. So there is almost no use in this product, but with reasonable periodicity you can afford such a dessert even in the evening. The shelf life of the cheese is 14 days, but it can not be in the refrigerator for so long. Taste and taste!

On the taste and color!

"Svetlogory" - raw and tasty cheese. Chocolate icing does not crumble and does not dissolve. It is not cloying and has a pleasant chocolate bitterness. The taste is quite noble and gentle. Curd in the composition is very light, airy and porous, has an average crushed, but does not resemble paste. Taste with sourness and vanilla note. If the cheese is chocolate, then the color of the package is appropriate. The products of the trademark in question receive a lot of positive feedback, but there is no point in denying that there are disadvantages. This is the oiliness of taste, and some dark places in the composition. Because the reviews are polar.

People say

Well, people like raw "Svetlogory"! Reviews leave good and grateful. The price, of course, does not please: more than 20 rubles for 50 grams seem to be a prohibitive amount. But the taste justifies itself, so there is a danger of "getting hooked". The people grumble at the price, but they take the product in bulk. So it's cheaper, and you will not take much. There is also a negative among the reviews. The real resonance was caused by the history of the customer who discovered the metal object in the cheese. When you bite, the object, which turned out to be ... a needle, almost stuck into the cheek. Perhaps this is the machinations of competitors, but you can not write off such moments!

So, if you summarize all available customer feedback, then you can identify the pros and cons of the product. Among the advantages:

  • Interesting packaging (not like everyone, reminiscent of old-style sweets);
  • Thin chocolate glaze with a light bitter taste;
  • Delicate cottage cheese with vanilla, which does not crumble and resembles a paste;
  • Juicy filling, which does not leak and does not stain the packaging;
  • A wide variety of flavors and regular updating of the line;
  • A really good composition without different E, preservatives and chemical additives.

The cons are:

  • The nebula of the ingredients in the chocolate glaze ("glaze on a cocoa butter substitute");
  • Buttery taste and thick consistency of cottage cheese, capable of hiding any foreign objects, to which scandalous authors complain.

In general, we recommend to try, but with care and caution!

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