HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is candidiasis and how to deal with it?

Candidiasis is a disease that affects the skin, its appendages, as well as internal organs. It is caused by opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida. To date, the number of people suffering from these fungi is growing steadily, and the age range is expanding.

What is Candidiasis: Symptoms

The most common form of candidiasis is thrush of the vagina. Otherwise, candidiasis is sexual. Statistics say that every third patient turns to a gynecologist because of the thrush. The disease can occur suddenly and also suddenly it can manifest again. Fungi that cause disease live in the human body constantly, but are present in small quantities. Unrestrained reproduction of the fungus prevents special beneficial bacteria. Thrush (candidiasis) is a consequence of a violation of the ratio of microbes. Weakening of the body's defenses leads to the reproduction of fungi, they become aggressive and can cause inflammation.

What is candidiasis in children and adults? It is very different: children often suffer from oral cavity, adults - external (the head of the penis or foreskin - in men) and internal (vagina - in women) genitals. The disease can appear on smooth areas of the skin - where there are large folds: the groin area, under the mammary glands. In such cases, it is no longer called thrush.
The first sign of female candidiasis is not a fading pruritus in the vagina and perineum, perhaps a burning sensation. He can be agonizing and disturb peace and sleep. On the mucous membranes appears white coating, there are cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor. Possible rezi and burning with urination, discomfort during intercourse. Redness of the external genital organs may manifest. I must say that men are less troubled by the symptoms of thrush (due to physiology).

Causes of the disease

So, what is candidiasis - we discussed. Now let's look at why this ailment develops. The factor of its occurrence can be anything that reduces immunity: infectious diseases, chronic alcohol and nicotine poisoning , anemia, hypovitaminosis and other pathological conditions. Often disastrously affect the beneficial microorganisms and promote the reproduction of fungi drugs - in particular, antibiotics and corticosteroid drugs.
In some cases, thrush is a symptom of hormonal changes in the body: exacerbation occurs with diabetes, pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, the use of hormonal contraceptives.
For the reproduction of Candida fungi, a moist warm environment is suitable, so wearing synthetic underwear, especially in summer heat, can also cause thrush.

Of course, many women know what candidiasis is, not by hearsay. But one knowledge is not enough. It is important to understand that this is not such a harmless disease, besides, it often gives relapses. Thrush itself does not go away, and self-medication can lead to the opposite consequences - the adaptation of fungi to drugs, and all new and new exacerbations. Therefore, it is very important to turn to a specialist in time to determine the causes of candidiasis and prescribe the right treatment.

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