HealthDiseases and Conditions

Watery bubbles on the fingers: symptomatology and treatment

Watery bubbles on the fingers are one of the symptoms of dermatitis. In modern medicine there are several varieties of this disease: there is allergic dermatitis, contact and chronic. Each variety can take various forms and has different degrees of severity. If you are concerned about watery bubbles on your fingers, most likely this indicates an allergic dermatitis. As it is easy to guess by name - this is the response of the body to the influence of some allergens. As the most common irritants can be allocated drugs, household chemicals and all kinds of creams, lotions, ointments, etc. In addition, such factors as stresses, malnutrition and general fatigue can provoke the development of the disease. Contact dermatitis is caused by a specific effect on the skin: it can be a thermal or chemical burn, as well as trauma (for example, constant friction).

A characteristic sign of allergic dermatitis are watery blisters on the fingers. It is also necessary to note such symptoms as swelling of the hands, redness of the skin, a feeling of constant itching and burning at the fingertips.

It is often very difficult to get rid of this trouble. This is due to the fact that the hands are in any case constantly in contact with various objects, substances and surfaces. Even the usual washing of dishes negatively affects the condition of the injured skin.

First of all, it must be stressed that allergic dermatitis must be treated. If this is not done, small bubbles on the fingers begin to burst and turn into painful ulcers, gradually the brushes turn out to be covered with eczema, blisters, swell and flake. If allergic dermatitis was caused by medications, complications can subsequently occur: the disease "spreads" to the liver and kidneys.

It should be said separately about a disease, like neurodermatitis. It is distinguished by its central origin, that is, it appears due to problems with the nervous system or hormonal failures. In addition to such a symptom as watery bubbles on the fingers of the hands, the neurodermatitis is characterized by the appearance of red flaky areas in the region of the elbows. The hands are constantly itchy.

How to remove watery bubbles on the fingers? If the doctor has determined that you are suffering from an allergic variety of dermatitis, you need to stop contacting the allergen to successfully cure it. Treatment of severe forms of the disease is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Most often, the following drugs are prescribed: "Tavegil", "Suprastin" and "Citrine." The patient should adhere to a certain diet and reconsider their diet, eliminating from it sweet, fatty and spicy dishes. In addition to the course of tablets, the treatment consists of the use of external agents: compresses, medicinal ointments and creams. In folk medicine, in order to remove water bubbles on the fingers, it is suggested to make trays of medicinal herbs - streaks, chamomiles, St. John's wort, oregano.

After each contact with the liquid, you should gently wipe your hands and lubricate them with ointment. This will help relieve inflammation and relieve itching.

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