HealthHealthy Eating

Useful properties of nuts

All kinds of nuts are high-calorie foods, so more than 70 grams a day they are not recommended to use to not add weight. Useful properties of nuts are related to their composition. Trace elements: calcium and potassium, iron and phosphorus and vitamins: A, E, B and P are in ratios that allow nuts to be completely absorbed by the body.

All their types have a positive effect on sexual function, enhance sexual desire, improve the quality of sperm, give strength, energy and vivacity. What are the useful nuts of different species?

Walnut is rich in zinc and iron, it is used in the treatment of anemia and strengthening of immunity. The presence of potassium and magnesium in the nucleus explains the hypotensive and diuretic effect. It improves sleep and mental activity, regulates blood pressure and normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, as it has an antisclerotic effect.

Walnut leaves perfectly heal wounds, relieve inflammation, alleviate the condition with diathesis, atopic dermatitis in children and skin diseases in adults.

Cedar nuts increase working capacity, help with diseases of the stomach and intestines. Useful properties of nuts are used for diseases of the lungs and intestines, oral cavity and cirrhosis of the liver. They favorably influence the child's growth, the development of his nervous system and blood composition. Vitamin E stimulates the production of milk from mother after delivery, high iodine content improves mental activity. Cedar oil is used not only in medicine, but also in optics.

Nutmeg is called a natural stimulant and, at the same time, it produces a tranquilizing effect. It stimulates digestion, promotes healing of stomach ulcers, strengthens memory, eliminates bloating and diarrhea. This kind of nut strengthens the hair, improves skin color and vision and serves as a preventative for malignant diseases and tuberculosis.

When it is abused, nausea develops and intense excitement up to hallucinations, the pulse becomes more frequent, since this nut contains a substance with a narcotic effect. In small doses with milk and honey, nutmeg facilitates the well-being of children with teething, relieves pain and restores appetite.

Their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are enhanced by complex application with honey. This kind of nuts can be eaten by adults and small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Useful properties of peanut nuts can be used for diabetes mellitus and blood diseases associated with reduced coagulability and a tendency to hemorrhage.

Hazel is beneficial for prostate adenoma and anemia, with varicose veins and diabetes.

Brazil nut helps relieve stress and reduce cholesterol and blood sugar. Useful properties of cashew nuts are used to relieve toothache and to rinse the mouth with throat diseases.

Almonds are used as a laxative and anthelmintic. Almond oil is used by pregnant women to prevent stretch marks and dry skin. Almond milk is beneficial for jaundice, gallbladder disease, has a choleretic and enveloping effect on the intestines.

Contraindicated this nut with obesity and heart rhythm disturbances. It is necessary to eat with caution the almond kernels, to watch that they are mature and dry, since immature nuts contain cyanide and are poisonous.

Do not argue, which nuts are more useful in larger, and which to a lesser extent. Each of them has its own unique properties, but all of them contain easily digestible proteins and unbound fats, which allows using them with diets and vegetarianism. Remain equally useful for depleted patients and for people who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

Do not uncontrolledly take nuts in large doses so as not to get an allergic reaction or headache. Children under five years in general should be very careful about most types of nuts.

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